2014-02-23 46 views





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      <h1>Gov Defenders Assemble</h1> 

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      We're dedicated to delivering the latest information on current threats, to provide industry best practices, and to enhance every public sector IT professional's understanding of cybersecurity by opening direct conversations between the government and IT community. 

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       <h2>The Partners</h2> 
       <p>We've come together to offer our views on security technologies and their applications in the government. We want to share our knowledge with you to together fix your cybersecurity problems.</p> 
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       <a href="/Partners/DLT Solutions/index.html"> 
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     <h2>The Technologies</h2> 
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        <h4>Mobile Device Management &amp; Endpoint Security</h4></li> 
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        <h4>Data Loss Prevention</h4></li> 
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        <h4>Continuous Monitoring</h4></li> 
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        <h4>Identity &amp; Access Management</h4></li> 
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        <h4>Cloud Security</h4></li> 

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所以你不能有填充,保證金和100%的類?我找不到所有三個人中的一個,但我有一個邊距爲「0 auto」,寬度爲100%。 那裏的規則和邏輯是什麼?謝謝你的幫助! – ObbyOss


你可以但將你的元素設置爲100%的寬度,而填充/邊距的東西會讓它跳出去。如果它沒有得到回答,我會在晚餐後再看看:) –


謝謝尼爾!希望我能在那之前解決它。我正在研究這個話題,我會試驗一下。 享用晚餐! – ObbyOss
