2016-12-04 29 views

我在大學的計算機科學課。我正在完成一項即將到期的任務,但我遇到了一個問題,我厭倦了等待老師回覆我的電子郵件。我們使用Visual Studio 2015學習使用C++進行編碼,並通過用戶定義的函數,數組和結構體獲得。我們沒有做任何有關課程或任何事情的任何事情,並且我發現的關於我所得到的錯誤的所有信息似乎涉及這些,因此對我沒有幫助。C++:數組作爲函數形式參數讓我錯誤


「LNK2019解析的外部符號 「無效__cdecl takeOrder(INT,INT,結構menuItemType *常量)」(?takeOrder @@ YAXHHQAUmenuItemType @@@ Z)在函數引用_main

LNK1120 1周無法解析的外部」


Visual Studio網站上的文檔有點過於誇張,我不瞭解所有的信息,但我認爲它與我的變量聲明有關。這是唯一有意義的事情。


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <cstring> 

using namespace std; 

struct menuItemType 
    string itemName; 
    double itemPrice; 

void read(menuItemType menuList[], int&); 
void showMenu(menuItemType menuList[], int&); 
void takeOrder(int, int, menuItemType menulist[]); 

int main() 
    int counter = 0; 
    menuItemType menuList[10]; 
    int order[10] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; 
    double totalBill = 0; 
    double tax = 0; 

    cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint; 
    cout << "Welcome to Hold-ye-Overs, a delightful place to eat with food\nmade from one hundred percent actual food!\n"; 

    read(menuList, counter); 
    showMenu(menuList, counter); 
    takeOrder(order[10], counter, menuList); 

    return 0; 

void takeOrder(int order[], int counter, menuItemType menuList[]) 
    int amount_of_item; 
    int choice; 
    bool flag = true; 
    char orderMore; 

    while (flag == true) 
     cout << "Please enter the number for the item you would like to have." << endl; 
     cin >> choice; 
     cout << "Please enter the number of " << menuList[choice - 1].itemName << "s you would like to order." << endl; 
     cin >> amount_of_item; 
     order[choice - 1] = order[choice - 1] + amount_of_item; 
     cout << "Would you like to order more items? y/n" << endl; 
     cin >> orderMore; 
     if (orderMore == 'y' || orderMore == 'Y') 
      flag = true; 
      flag = false; 

void read(menuItemType menuList[], int& counter) 
    ifstream in; 
    char temp = char(); 
    int i = 0; 

    while (!in.eof()) 
     getline(in, menuList[i].itemName); 
     in >> menuList[i].itemPrice; 
     //cout << menuList[i].itemName << " " << menuList[i].itemPrice << endl; 
     in.get(temp);//to pick up endl after the price 

void showMenu(menuItemType menuList[], int& counter) 
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint; 
    int i = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < counter; i++) 
    { cout << left << setw(2) << i + 1 << " :" << left << setw(20) << menuList[i].itemName; 
    cout << right << setw(1) << "$" << left << setw(7) << menuList[i].itemPrice << endl; 


可能重複[什麼是未定義的引用/無法解析的外部符號錯誤,以及如何解決它?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1 2573816/what-is-unde-undefined-reference-un-resolved-external-symbol-error-and-how-do-i-fix) –


看看你的'takeOrder'原型和'takeOrder'的實現。看到參數的差異? – PaulMcKenzie


「takeOrder」的聲明和定義之間存在不匹配。 –




  1. 定義考慮陣列,以便聲明需要作爲功能是接受陣列不是int中的主要功能改變到void takeOrder(int[], int, menuItemType menulist[]);
  2. 變化使用率takeOrder(order, counter, menuList);(順序[10]通過整數)

如果你想通過函數的整數變化定義到takeOrder(int order, int counter, menuItemType menuList[])


謝謝!那就是訣竅。我想我不理解如何正確格式化參數,以便它們能夠正常工作。再次感謝! –