我第二Telcontar's suggestion數據庫,因爲它們實際上是爲管理這個數據的規模和線程之間的協商而設計的,而內存中的集合則不是。
- 一種用於裝載各種數據的協議,說項目478712至478901,而不是整個事情
- 用於接收關於改變的數據
- 緩存類更新協議通過服務器上的已知索引存儲項目
- 屬於與服務器通信的高速緩存的線程。這是寫入集合本身的唯一線程
- 屬於該緩存時數據被檢索
- 該UI組件實現,讓他們收到數據時已經裝好了一個接口,它處理回調線程
class ServerCacheViewThingy {
private static final int ACCEPTABLE_SIZE = 500;
private int viewStart, viewLength;
final Map<Integer, Record> items
= new HashMap<Integer, Record>(1000);
final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Callback> callbackQueue
= new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Callback>();
public void getRecords (int start, int length, ViewReciever reciever) {
// remember the current view, to prevent records within
// this view from being accidentally pruned.
viewStart = start;
viewLenght = length;
// if the selected area is not already loaded, send a request
// to load that area
if (!rangeLoaded(start, length))
addLoadRequest(start, length);
// add the reciever to the queue, so it will be processed
// when the data has arrived
if (reciever != null)
callbackQueue.add(new Callback(start, length, reciever));
class Callback {
int start;
int length;
ViewReciever reciever;
class EditorThread extends Thread {
private void prune() {
if (items.size() <= ACCEPTABLE_SIZE)
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Record> entry : items.entrySet()) {
int position = entry.key();
// if the position is outside the current view,
// remove that item from the cache
private void markDirty (int from) { ... }
class CallbackThread extends Thread {
public void notifyCallback (Callback callback);
private void processCallback (Callback) {
interface ViewReciever {
void recieveData (int viewStart, Record[] records);
void recieveTimeout();
我喜歡ConcurrentSkipListMap的想法。在90%的時間內,列表根據某個時間戳(每個域對象的ID的一部分)進行排序,所以它可能值得優化。仍然會考慮其他10%。 – 2008-10-17 08:10:23