2013-03-22 121 views


Sub CurrentPipelineView() 
Dim pt As PivotTable 
Dim ptcache As PivotCache 
Dim pf As PivotField 
Dim pi As PivotItem 
Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim wspivot As Worksheet 
Dim datasheetname As String 
Dim totalrows As Integer 
Dim tottalcolumns As Integer 

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 
    If ws.Name = "PivotTest1" Then 
    End If 

'Setting sheet names 
    SheetName = "Data" 'storing sheet name which will be default 
    Set ws = Worksheets(SheetName) 
    Sheets.Add.Name = "PivotTest1" 
    Set wspivot = Worksheets("PivotTest1") 
    wspivot.Select 'Activating worksheet 

'Delete any prior pivot tables 
    On Error Resume Next 
    For Each CurrentViewPt In wspivot.PivotTables 
Next CurrentViewPt 

'Defining pivot table cache 
    totalcolumns = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    totalrows = ws.Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count 'Counting   total rows 
    Set PRange = ws.Range("A1").Offset(totalrows, totalcolumns) 
    Set ptcache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, PRange) 

    'Create pivot table 
    Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Add(ptcache, Range("A3"), "PipelineView") 

    End Sub 



感謝和問候 VARUN


把下面的指令'對錯誤轉到0'右後'接下來CurrentViewPt'以檢查你有問題就行了。給我們提供哪些信息。 – 2013-03-22 22:32:20


死在集pt Set ptcache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase,PRange) – Varun 2013-03-22 23:31:16


首先,你是否檢查過變量:'totalrows'&'totalcolumns',如果它們在調試錯誤時與0不同? – 2013-03-23 05:47:20





Public Sub CountingRows() 

Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim SheetName As String 'data sheet name 
Dim TotalRows As Integer 'counts total number of rows 
Dim TotalColumns As Integer 'sets total number of columns 
Dim Counter As Integer 'Counter to start the loop 
Dim wsPivot As Worksheet 
Dim CreatePt As PivotTable 'creates using pivot table wizard 
Dim CurrentViewPt As PivotTable 
Dim PRange As Range 
Dim PTCache As PivotCache 
Dim PF As PivotField 

'Deleting sheet if it already exists 
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets 
    If ws.Name = "PivotTest1" Then 
    End If 

'Setting sheet names 
SheetName = "Sheet 1" 'storing sheet name which will be default 
Set ws = Worksheets(SheetName) 
Sheets.Add.Name = "PivotTest1" 
Set wsPivot = Worksheets("PivotTest1") 
wsPivot.Select 'Activating worksheet 

'Delete any prior pivot tables 
On Error Resume Next 
For Each CurrentViewPt In wsPivot.PivotTables 
Next CurrentViewPt 

'Defining pivot table cache 
TotalColumns = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'Counting total columns 
TotalRows = ws.Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count 'Counting total rows 
Set PRange = ws.UsedRange 'found a new function to use do not need to use above fields, but keeping them just incase 
'Set PRange = ws.Cells(1, 1).Resize(TotalRows, TotalColumns)<<<Not sure if it works>>> 
Set PTCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange) 

'Create the Pivot Table 
Set CreatePt = wsPivot.PivotTableWizard(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange, TableDestination:=wsPivot.Range("B4"), TableName:="CurrentNBI") 
Set CurrentViewPt = wsPivot.PivotTables("CurrentNBI") 

'**** Define the layout of the pivot table**** 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("NBI_CODE") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 1 
    End With 
    With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("CREATION_DATE") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 2 
    End With 
    With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("BUSINESS_AREA") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 3 
    End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("CASE_CLASSIFICATION") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 4 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("BOOKING_CENTER") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 5 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("LOCATION") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 6 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("INITIATIVE_NAME") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 7 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("BRIEF_DESCRIPTION") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 8 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("TARGET_ASSESSMENT_DATE") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 9 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("ASSESSMENT_COMPLETION_DATE") 
    .Orientation = xlRowField 
    .Position = 10 
End With 
With CurrentViewPt.PivotFields("NBI_CODE") 
    .Orientation = xlDataField 
    .Position = 1 
    .xlCount = True 
End With 

'Setting sub-totals to zero 
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("NBI_CODE").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("CREATION_DATE").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("BUSINESS_AREA").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("CASE_CLASSIFICATION").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("BOOKING_CENTER").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("LOCATION").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("CurrentNBI").PivotFields("INITIATIVE_NAME").Subtotals = _ 
    Array(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) 
End Sub 

它看起來像問題是PRange對象 - 它只是設置在現場的右下細胞。嘗試改變,爲:

Set PRange = Range(ws.Range("A1"), ws.Range("A1").Offset(totalrows, totalcolumns)) 


Set pt = ptcache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=wspivot.Range("A3"), TableName:="YourTableName") 



Set prange = Range(ws.Range("A1"), ws.Range("A1").Offset(totalrows, totalcolumns - 1)) 



沒有工作:( – Varun 2013-03-22 23:02:07


在我的代碼中發現進一步的錯誤...更新答案 – 2013-03-22 23:17:13


也試過Set PRange = ws.Cells(1 ,1).Resize(TotalRows,TotalColumns) – Varun 2013-03-22 23:26:21