我使用Excel 2010中提高細胞
Sub main()
Cells(3, 3).Clear
Call Redline(3)
End Sub
Sub Redline(ByVal r As Long)
Dim t As String
Dim t1() As String
Dim t2() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim f As Boolean
Dim c As Integer
Dim wf As Integer
Dim ss As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
t1 = Split(Range("A" + CStr(r)).Value, " ", -1, vbTextCompare)
t2 = Split(Range("B" + CStr(r)).Value, " ", -1, vbTextCompare)
t = ""
f = False
c = 4
ss = 0
If (Range("A" + CStr(r)).Value <> "") Then
If (Range("B" + CStr(r)).Value <> "") Then
j = 1
For i = LBound(t1) To UBound(t1)
f = False
For j = ss To UBound(t2)
If (t1(i) = t2(j)) Then
f = True
wf = j
Exit For
End If
Next j
If (Not f) Then
Cells(r, c).Value = t1(i)
Cells(r, c).Font.Strikethrough = True ' strikethrough this cell
c = c + 1
If (wf = i) Then
Cells(r, c).Value = t1(i) ' aka t2(wf)
c = c + 1
ss = i + 1
ElseIf (wf > i) Then
For j = ss To wf - 1
Cells(r, c).Value = t2(j)
Cells(r, c).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle ' underline this cell
c = c + 1
Next j
Cells(r, c).Value = t1(i)
c = c + 1
ss = wf + 1
End If
End If
Next i
If (UBound(t2) > UBound(t1)) Then
For i = ss To UBound(t2)
Cells(r, c).Value = t2(i)
Cells(r, c).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle ' underline this cell
c = c + 1
Next i
End If
t = Range("A" + CStr(r)).Value
End If
t = Range("B" + CStr(r)).Value
End If
lc = Range("XFD" + CStr(r)).End(xlToLeft).Column
Call Merge_Cells(r, 4, lc)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Merge_Cells(ByVal r As Long, ByVal fc As Integer, ByVal lc As Long)
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer, j As Integer
Dim rngFrom As Range
Dim rngTo As Range
Dim lenFrom As Integer
Dim lenTo As Integer
Set rngTo = Cells(r, 3)
' copy the text over
For c = fc To lc
lenTo = rngTo.Characters.Count
Set rngFrom = Cells(r, c)
lenFrom = rngFrom.Characters.Count
If (c = lc) Then
rngTo.Value = rngTo.Text & rngFrom.Text
rngTo.Value = rngTo.Text & rngFrom.Text & " "
End If
Next c
' now copy the formatting
j = 0
For c = fc To lc
Set rngFrom = Cells(r, c)
lenFrom = rngFrom.Characters.Count + 1 ' add one for the space after each word
For i = 1 To lenFrom - 1
With rngTo.Characters(j + i, 1).Font
.Name = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.Name
.Underline = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.Underline
.Strikethrough = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.Strikethrough
.Bold = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.Bold
.Size = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.Size
.ColorIndex = rngFrom.Characters(i, 1).Font.ColorIndex
End With
Next i
j = j + lenFrom
Next c
' wipe out the temporary columns
For c = fc To lc
Cells(r, c).Clear
Next c
End Sub
我不明白這將允許在每個單詞單元格內的不同格式。 – swp
您應該以類似的方式應用格式設置規範,同時將Array的結果值粘貼到Worksheet列(您提到的第三個列)。 RGDS, –