我創建了倒計時,但它返回的是負數輸出而不是正數。我研究了爲什麼發生這種情況的原因,但沒有運氣。有誰知道爲什麼倒數可以返回負值?並在我的代碼中,我把它變成負面? 在此先感謝!使用moment.js返回負數倒數
var now = moment();
var targetDay = now.format("2020-11-03", "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY");
var countDown= Math.floor(moment().diff(targetDay, 'seconds'));
var Days, Minutes,Hours,Seconds;
// Updating Days
Days =pad(Math.floor(countDown/86400),2);
//updating Hours
Hours = pad(Math.floor((countDown - (Days * 86400))/3600),2);
// Updating Minutes
Minutes =pad(Math.floor((countDown - (Days * 86400) - (Hours * 3600))/60),2);
// Updating Seconds
Seconds = pad(Math.floor((countDown - (Days * 86400) - (Hours* 3600) - (Minutes * 60))), 2);
// Updation our HTML view
document.getElementById("days").innerHTML=Days + ' Days';
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML=Hours + ' Hours';
document.getElementById("minutes").innerHTML=Minutes+ ' Minutes';
document.getElementById("seconds").innerHTML=Seconds + ' Seconds';
// Decrement
if(countDown === 0){
countDown= Math.floor(moment().diff(targetDay, 'seconds'));
// Function for padding the seconds i.e limit it only to 2 digits
function pad(num, size) {
var s = num + "";
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
您減量在一段時間內沒有停止它? –
你的HTML在哪裏? – mjw