2011-09-13 60 views



$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) # Add RVM's lib directory to the load path. 
require "rvm/capistrano"     # Load RVM's capistrano plugin. 
set :rvm_ruby_string, '[email protected]'  # Or whatever env you want it to run in. 
set :rvm_bin_path, '/usr/local/rvm/bin' 

我之前缺少的部分是set :rvm_bin_path, '/usr/local/rvm/bin'我」我以前從未在Capistrano部署中使用過這種配置設置,而且我已經完成了一些工作。噢,所有這些工作都在一天之內。 Credit在irc.freenode.net的#rvm頻道中轉到tonyflint!



  • 我運行一個系統中安裝RVM的
  • 我通過Capistrano的

我部署米目前傻眼了。基本上發生了什麼是我試圖通過卡皮斯特拉諾進行部署,並且失敗,很難。這裏是我的deploy.rb和production.rb文件的pastie(我正在做一個多階段環境,省略了staging.rb文件,因爲它工作正常)。 http://pastie.org/2523675

這裏是cap production deploy:setup輸出:

$ cap production deploy:setup 
    * executing `production' 
    triggering start callbacks for `deploy:setup' 
    * executing `multistage:ensure' 
    * executing `deploy:setup' 
    * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' mkdir -p /var/www/html/dataserver /var/www/html/dataserver/releases /var/www/html/dataserver/shared /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/system /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/log /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/pids" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
*** [err :: omitted] sudo 
*** [err :: omitted] : 
*** [err :: omitted] sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo 
*** [err :: omitted] 
    command finished in 60ms 
failed: "sh -c 'sudo -p '\\''sudo password: '\\'' mkdir -p /var/www/html/dataserver /var/www/html/dataserver/releases /var/www/html/dataserver/shared /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/system /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/log /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/pids'" on omitted 

現在,我得到爲什麼發生這種情況。我正在遠程嘗試使用sudo,這是一個安全禁止。所以,這意味着我需要使用default_run_options[:pty] = true。所以我取消註釋並再次運行cap production deploy:setup,並且所有運行都很好,並且很花哨。部署get的安裝目錄結構和一切。真棒。現在,我嘗試運行cap production deploy和這裏的輸出:

$ cap production deploy 
    * executing `production' 
    triggering start callbacks for `deploy' 
    * executing `multistage:ensure' 
    * executing `deploy' 
    * executing `deploy:update' 
** transaction: start 
    * executing `deploy:update_code' 
    updating the cached checkout on all servers 
    executing locally: "hg log -r default --template '{node|short}'" 
    command finished in 52ms 
    * executing "if [ -d /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy ]; then hg pull --repository /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy https://cowfish.unh.edu/hg/DataServerApp && hg update --repository /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy --clean 6979cec4fc00; else hg clone --noupdate https://cowfish.unh.edu/hg/DataServerApp /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy && hg update --repository /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy --clean 6979cec4fc00; fi" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] http authorization required 
** [omitted :: out] realm: Mercurial Project Repository 
** [omitted :: out] user: 
** [omitted :: out] d 
** [omitted :: out] e 
** [omitted :: out] p 
** [omitted :: out] l 
** [omitted :: out] o 
** [omitted :: out] y 
** [omitted :: out] 
** [omitted :: out] password: 
** [omitted :: out] 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] requesting all changes 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] adding changesets 
** [omitted :: out] adding manifests 
** adding file changes 
** [omitted :: out] added 11 changesets with 187 changes to 125 files 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] warning: certificate for omitted can't be verified (Python too old) 
** [omitted :: out] 114 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved 
    command finished in 1332ms 
    copying the cached version to /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835 
    * executing "cp -RPp /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/cached-copy /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835 && (echo 6979cec4fc00 > /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/REVISION)" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 23ms 
    * executing `deploy:finalize_update' 
    * executing "chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 7ms 
    * executing "rm -rf /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/log /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/system /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/tmp/pids &&\\\n  mkdir -p /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public &&\\\n  mkdir -p /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/tmp &&\\\n  ln -s /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/log /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/log &&\\\n  ln -s /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/system /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/system &&\\\n  ln -s /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/pids /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/tmp/pids" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 8ms 
    * executing "find /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/images /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/stylesheets /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/javascripts -exec touch -t 201109122338.35 {} ';'; true" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
** [out :: omitted] find: /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/images: No such file or directory 
** [out :: omitted] find: /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/stylesheets: No such file or directory 
** [out :: omitted] find: /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/public/javascripts: No such file or directory 
    command finished in 6ms 
    * executing `deploy:symlink' 
    * executing "rm -f /var/www/html/dataserver/current && ln -s /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835 /var/www/html/dataserver/current" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 6ms 
** transaction: commit 
    * executing `deploy:restart' 
    * executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' touch /var/www/html/dataserver/current/tmp/restart.txt" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 10ms 
    triggering after callbacks for `deploy' 
    * executing `deploy:migrate' 
    triggering before callbacks for `deploy:migrate' 
    * executing `sqlite3:link_configuration_file' 
    * executing "ln -nsf /var/www/html/dataserver/shared/sqlite_config.yml /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835/config/database.yml" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
    command finished in 6ms 
    * executing "cd /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835 && rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
** [out :: omitted] sh: rake: command not found 
    command finished in 5ms 
failed: "sh -c 'cd /var/www/html/dataserver/releases/20110912233835 && rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate'" on omitted 


$ cap production test_path 
    * executing `production' 
    triggering start callbacks for `test_path' 
    * executing `multistage:ensure' 
    * executing `test_path' 
    * executing "echo $PATH" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
** [out :: omitted] /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin 
    command finished in 11ms 
    * executing "echo $rvm_path" 
    servers: ["omitted"] 
    [omitted] executing command 
** [out :: omitted] 
    command finished in 5ms 


/usr/local/rvm/gems/[email protected]/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/[email protected]/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin:/usr/local/rvm/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/home/lpeabody/bin 

再次,我得到爲什麼這不起作用。這是因爲我運行default_run_options[:pty] = true我的環境越來越重,至少那是我現在的理論。所以,畢竟,我留下了結論 - 我需要以某種方式加載我的環境,以便耙機可以在遠程啓用sudo的情況下運行。





$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) # Add RVM's lib directory to the load path. 
require "rvm/capistrano"     # Load RVM's capistrano plugin. 
set :rvm_ruby_string, '[email protected]'  # Or whatever env you want it to run in. 
set :rvm_bin_path, '/usr/local/rvm/bin' 

,因爲我從來沒有使用的配置設置在Capistrano的我失蹤之前曾是set :rvm_bin_path, '/usr/local/rvm/bin'的一部分部署之前,我做了一些。噢,所有這些工作都在一天之內。 Credit在irc.freenode.net的#rvm頻道中轉到tonyflint!



require "rvm/capistrano" 
set :rvm_bin_path, "/usr/local/rvm/bin" 
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path'])) # Add RVM's lib directory to the load path. 


require "rvm/capistrano" in your "deploy.rb" 


gem install rvm-capistrano 




default_run_options[:pty] = true 
