2013-12-17 156 views

我的第一種方法看起來像它會很好地工作,直到我有一個運行時錯誤,我不知道如何解決在var name = ((LCData)attributes[0]).Name;有關索引超出範圍。實際上,我只是複製了我在Getting attributes of Enum's value找到的代碼,所以我並不是100%確定它實際上做了什麼。所以當下面的代碼不起作用時,我轉向另一個解決方案。類型安全的枚舉或屬性枚舉?

public enum Identification : ushort 


    BG01_Greens = 0, 

    [LCAttribute("Rabbit", "IMG_E01_Rabbit")] 
    ENEMY_E01_Rabbit = 2000, 

public static class Enums 
    public static LCData GetInfo(Identification id) 
     var type = typeof(Identification); 
     var memInfo = type.GetMember(id.ToString()); 
     var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LCData), false); 
     var name = ((LCData)attributes[0]).Name; 
     var tex = ((LCData)attributes[0]).Texture; 

     LCData data; 
     data.Name = name; 
     data.Texture = tex; 
     return data; 

public struct LCData 
    public string Name; 
    public string Texture; 

    public LCData(Identification id) 
     this = Enums.GetInfo(id); 

public class LCAttribute : System.Attribute 
    private string _Name; 
    public string Name 
      return _Name; 

    private string _Texture; 
    public string Texture 
      return _Texture; 

    public LCAttribute(string texture) 
     _Texture = texture; 

    public LCAttribute(string name, string texture) 
     _Name = name; 
     _Texture = texture; 




public sealed class Identification 

    private readonly ushort _ID; 
    private readonly string _Name; 
    private readonly string _Tex; 

    public static readonly Identification BG01_Greens = new Identification(0, "IMG_BG01_Greens"); 
    public static readonly Identification ENEMY_E01_Rabbit = new Identification(2000, "Rabbit", "IMG_E01_Rabbit"); 

    private Identification(ushort id, string tex) 
     _ID = id; 
     _Tex = tex; 

    private Identification(ushort id, string name, string tex) 
     _ID = id; 
     _Name = name; 
     _Tex = tex; 
    public ushort ID { get { return _ID; } } 
    public string Name { get { return _Name; } } 
    public string Texture { get { return _Tex; } } 



你爲什麼不使用「字典」?它是類型安全的,閃電般快速,你可以列舉它。 –


類似:[簡化枚舉及其關聯值](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14392428/simplification-of-enum-and-its-associated-values)。雖然這不是基於屬性。 – Theraot



你很困惑LCDataLCAttriubte。因爲LCAttribute是有效的屬性,但您嘗試使用LCData作爲屬性。 (順便說一句,可能你不需要兩種不同的類型......但我熊與你)。


public enum Identification : ushort 
    [LCAttribute("IMG_BG01_Greens")] //Look the type of the attributes is LCAttribute 
    BG01_Greens = 0, 

    [LCAttribute("Rabbit", "IMG_E01_Rabbit")] 
    ENEMY_E01_Rabbit = 2000, 

public static class Enums 
    public static LCData GetInfo(Identification id) 
     var type = typeof(Identification); 
     var memInfo = type.GetMember(id.ToString()); 
     //this will return an array of LCAttributes 
     var attributes = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LCAttribute), false); 
     //I tell you they are LCAttribute not LCData 
     var name = ((LCAttribute)attributes[0]).Name; 
     var tex = ((LCAttribute)attributes[0]).Texture; 
     //If the above were an LCData why would create a new one here? [Rethorical] 
     LCData data; 
     data.Name = name; 
     data.Texture = tex; 
     return data; 

注:對於altenatives方法,也許一些洞察到這種方法,你可以看到my answer to How do you make an 'enum' that has data tied to it?。您在此處使用的方法在「自定義屬性」下列出。


我以前試過把它轉換爲LCAttribute,但它給索引超出範圍的錯誤,所以在絕望的嘗試中,我也嘗試將它轉換爲LCData(它遵循複製的代碼版本),但現在看起來像我的問題可以通過簡單的字典,感謝您的幫助! – user3110376


@ user3110376如果您索引超出範圍,可能意味着您無法讀取該屬性,就好像它不在那裏一樣。關聯答案中的備選方案對這種情況有一些額外的檢查。 – Theraot


酷!我正在查找它,謝謝 – user3110376