我正在嘗試編寫一個PowerShell腳本,它將一起編譯Active Directory中的組列表以及每個組的成員。我的最終目標是出口這一點到CSV文件,所以我想最終的PowerShell多維數組的格式如下:將數據添加到PowerShell陣列/添加成員
GroupName GroupMember
Domain Admins Henry Doe
Domain Admins Melody Doe
Domain Names Doe Ray Me
Domain Users John Doe
Domain Users Jane Doe
[array]$arrGroupMemberList = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $arrGroupMemberList -membertype NoteProperty -Name 'GroupName' -Value ""
Add-Member -InputObject $arrGroupMemberList -membertype NoteProperty -Name 'GroupMember' -Value ""
[array]$arrGroupMemberList = @()
[array]$arrGroupNameObjects = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Where-Object {$_.Name -Like "Domain*"}
If ($arrGroupNameObjects.Count -ge 1)
## Cycle thru each group name and get the members
$arrGroupNameObjects | ForEach-Object {
[string]$strTempGroupName = $_.Name
$arrGroupMemberObjects = Get-ADGroupMember $strTempGroupName -Recursive
If ($arrGroupMemberObjects.Count -ge 1)
## Cycle thru the group members and compile into the final array
$arrGroupMemberObjects | ForEach-Object {
$arrGroupMemberList += $strTempGroupName, $_.Name
Domain Admins
Henry Doe
Domain Admins
Melody Doe
Domain Names
Doe Ray Me
Domain Users
John Doe
Domain Users
Jane Doe
## Cycle thru the group members and compile into the final array
$arrGroupMemberObjects | ForEach-Object {
$arrGroupMemberList[$intIndex].GroupName = $strTempGroupName
$arrGroupMemberList[$intIndex].GroupMember = $_.Name
Property 'GroupMember' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
Property 'GroupName' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
$arrGroupMemberList | Get-Member
有沒有性,我的元素是不存在的,即使我加入他們早期在腳本中添加會員cmdlet的。我是否正確使用Add-Member cmdlet?
謝謝,但嘗試過,仍然沒有工作爲了我。我發現了一些新的信息,並會更新我的問題 – STGdb