2015-05-10 32 views



template<class ItemType> 
class Node { 
    ItemType data; 
    Node * left; 
    Node * right; 

    Node (ItemType inData); 

//--    Constructor/Destructor     --// 
/** Standard Constructor */ 
template<class ItemType> 
Node<ItemType>::Node() { 
    left = right = NULL; 

/** Overload Constructor */ 
template<class ItemType> 
Node<ItemType>::Node (ItemType inData) { 
    data = inData; 
    left = right = NULL; 

/** Standard Destructor */ 
template<class ItemType> 
Node<ItemType>::~Node() { 
    right = left = NULL; 



int ridOf = 79; 

if (Tree2.remove (ridOf)) { 
     cout << endl << "Number of Nodes: " << Tree2.get_num_of_nodes() << endl; 
     cout << "Height:   " << Tree2.get_tree_height() << endl << endl; 


template<class ItemType> 
void BTree<ItemType>::postorder_print_helper (Node<ItemType> * inRoot, int & count) { 
    if (inRoot != NULL) { 
     postorder_print_helper (inRoot->left, count); 
     postorder_print_helper (inRoot->right, count); 
     std::cout << setw (4) << inRoot->data << " "; 
     if (count % 5 == 0) { std::cout << endl; } 
} // end of void BTree<ItemType>::postorder_print_helper (Node<ItemType> * inRoot) 

template<class ItemType> 
void BTree<ItemType>::postorder_print_helper (Node<ItemType> * inRoot, int & count) { 
    if (inRoot != NULL) { 
     postorder_print_helper (inRoot->left, count); 
     postorder_print_helper (inRoot->right, count); 
     std::cout << setw (4) << inRoot->data << " "; 
     if (count % 5 == 0) { std::cout << endl; } 
} // end of void BTree<ItemType>::postorder_print_helper (Node<ItemType> * inRoot) 

template<class ItemType> 
bool BTree<ItemType>::remove_helper (Node<ItemType> * inRoot, ItemType toRemove) { 
    //if this is the node with the data 
    if (inRoot->data == toRemove) { 
     //Create Null Node that points to NUll 
     Node<ItemType> * nullNode = new Node <ItemType> ; 
     //if inRoot has No Children 
     if (inRoot->left == NULL && inRoot->right == NULL) { 
      inRoot = nullNode; 
      return true; 
     //if inRoot has 2 Children 
     else if (inRoot->left != NULL && inRoot->right != NULL) { 
      Node<ItemType> * temp = new Node <ItemType>; 
      temp = return_max_value (inRoot->left); 
      Node<ItemType> * tempRight = new Node <ItemType>; 
      tempRight = inRoot->right; 
      Node<ItemType> * tempLeft = new Node <ItemType>; 
      tempLeft = inRoot->left; 
      inRoot = nullNode; 
      inRoot = temp; 
      temp->left = tempLeft; 
      temp->right = tempRight; 

      return true; 
     //if inRoot has 1 child 
     else { 
      //if inRoot has left child 
      if (inRoot->right == NULL) { 
       Node<ItemType> * temp = new Node <ItemType>; 
       temp = inRoot->left; 
       inRoot = nullNode; 
       inRoot = temp; 
       return true; 
      //if inRoot has right child 
      else { 
       Node<ItemType> * temp = new Node <ItemType>; 
       temp = inRoot->right; 
       inRoot = nullNode; 
       inRoot = temp; 
       return true; 
    //If not the node with the data See if toRemove is less than inRoot and perform recursive action 
    else if (toRemove < inRoot->data) { 
     remove_helper (inRoot->left, toRemove); 
    } //end if (toRemove < inRoot->data) 
    //See if toRemove is greater than inRoot and perform recursive action 
    else if (toRemove > inRoot->data) { 
     remove_helper (inRoot->right, toRemove); 
    }// end of else 

    //return false if data cannot be found 
    else return false; 




剛剛爲結果構建一棵新樹如何?它看起來像集合差異。 –


我不確定你的意思。我的實際代碼有用獨特的隨機數創建的樹。 – kingcobra1986


我的意思是代替修改一棵樹,如果這是困難的地方,只需要在結果中創建一個新的樹。 –





template<class ItemType> 
bool BTree<ItemType>::remove_helper (Node<ItemType> * &inRoot, ItemType toRemove) { 


//Create Null Node that points to NUll 
    Node<ItemType> * nullNode = new Node <ItemType> ; 

該節點不指向NULL,它指向一個空節點。進一步在代碼中,您正在檢查inRoot->left == NULL,所以您應該將指針設置爲NULL,而不是指向空節點。

您也有很多內存泄漏,請記住 - 如果您使用new創建某個內容,那麼在某處也應該有相應的delete

編輯:還有一兩件事 - 你永遠要做到這一點:

Node<ItemType> * tempRight = new Node <ItemType>; 
tempRight = inRoot->right; 

你分配一些內存,並指向它在tempRight,然後立即設置tempRight到別的東西。這是內存泄漏,是不必要的 - 你不需要爲每個指針分配內存。 將其更改爲:

Node<ItemType> * tempRight = inRoot->right; 

全部是通過參考。哈哈我知道這就像1個字符的變化。我在那裏刪除了它,但由於某種原因它阻止了它的編譯,於是我將它們取出。我想當你刪除一個節點時,應該是這樣的:delete node;節點= NULL;?或者我可以將最後一部分退出?另外,如果我想要一個節點變爲空,我應該只是把Node = NULL?我應該這樣做:Node = Node-> left = Node-> right = NULL? – kingcobra1986


'delete node'將釋放節點中使用的內存。除非您稍後要使用它,否則不必將指針設置爲NULL。是的,設置'Node = NULL'會將節點設置爲NULL,你只需要確保你先通過調用delete來釋放內存,或者在其他地方有一個指向內存的指針(例如在Node-> Left指針)。 –


所以我做了這些改變,但它仍然有問題。我把一個孩子部分下的「一個」,兩個孩子部分下的「兩個」和無孩子部分下的「零」放在一起。我注意到這個問題沒有發生在兩個孩子身上。它會有一個無限循環或只是崩潰。仍然無法讀取內存。 – kingcobra1986





對不起,我沒有澄清,我還沒有進入這一步。我想確保我的remove_helper函數在我完成該功能之前完全正常工作。 – kingcobra1986



template<class ItemType> 
bool BTree<ItemType>::remove_helper (Node<ItemType> * &inRoot, ItemType toRemove) { 
    //if this is the node with the data 
    if (inRoot->data == toRemove) { 
     //if inRoot has No Children 
     if (inRoot->left == NULL && inRoot->right == NULL) { 
      inRoot = NULL; 
      std::cout << "one" << std::endl; 
      return true; 
     //if inRoot has 2 Children 
     else if (inRoot->left != NULL && inRoot->right != NULL) { 
      inRoot->data = return_max_value (inRoot->left)->data; 
      remove_helper (inRoot->left,inRoot->data); 
      std::cout << "two" << std::endl; 
      return true; 
     //if inRoot has 1 child 
     else { 
      std::cout << "zero" << std::endl; 
      //if inRoot has left child 
      if (inRoot->right == NULL) { 
       Node<ItemType> * temp = new Node <ItemType>; 
       temp = inRoot->left; 
       inRoot = NULL; 
       inRoot = temp; 
       return true; 
      //if inRoot has right child 
      else { 
       Node<ItemType> * temp = new Node <ItemType>; 
       temp = inRoot->right; 
       inRoot = NULL; 
       inRoot = temp; 
       return true; 
    //If not the node with the data See if toRemove is less than inRoot and perform recursive action 
    else if (toRemove < inRoot->data) { 
     remove_helper (inRoot->left, toRemove); 
    } //end if (toRemove < inRoot->data) 
    //See if toRemove is greater than inRoot and perform recursive action 
    else if (toRemove > inRoot->data) { 
     remove_helper (inRoot->right, toRemove); 
    }// end of else 

    //return false if data cannot be found 
    else return false; 
