2016-08-28 162 views


import java.io.*; 
import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.File; 
//import java.nio.file.*; 
//import java.nio.file.Paths; 
public class BankInterest { 

    public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException 

    /* TASK 1: Declare variables */ 

    Scanner user_input = new Scanner (System.in); 

    boolean exit; 
    int accountType; 
    double balance; 
    double principal; 
    // double userInterest; 
    double r; 
    double r2; 
    int year; 

    String commBank = ("commbank.txt"); 
    String westPac = ("westpac.txt"); 

    /*Check if the expected command line is provided */ 

    if (args.length < 1) { 
    /* Display the Usage */ 
    System.out.println("Usage: java BankInterest interestRateFileName"); 
    /* Programs quits with an error code */ 

    /* TASK 2: Read interest rates from a file */ 

    String filename = (args[0]); 
    Scanner textReader = new Scanner(new File(filename)); 
    r = textReader.nextDouble(); 
    r2 = textReader.nextDouble(); 

    /* TASK 3: Take user input - Which Account */ 

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in); 
    System.out.println("Which Account: "); 
    System.out.println("1 - Savings"); 
    System.out.println("2 - Term Deposits"); 

    accountType = keyboard.nextInt(); 

    if (accountType == 1) { 
     accountType = 1; 
    else if (accountType == 2) { 
     accountType = 2; 

    /* TASK 4: Take user input - Principal and Period */ 

    Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in); 
    System.out.println("Principal: "); 
    principal = keyboard.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.println("Years: "); 
    year = keyboard.nextInt(); 

    /* TASK 5: Calculate balance for the chosen account type */ 

    if (accountType == 1) { 
     double userBalance = principal * Math.pow((1 + r/100), year); 
     double userInterest = userBalance-principal; 
     System.out.println("The Compound Interest is: " + userBalance); 
    System.out.println("The total amount of Interest earned:" + userInterest); 
    else if (accountType == 2) { 
     double userBalance = (principal * r2 * year)/100; 
     double userInterest = userBalance-principal; 
     System.out.println("The Simple Interest is: " + userBalance); 
    System.out.println("The total amount of Interest earned:" + userInterest); 


使用調試器查看正在發生的事情,或者如果您不熟悉使用調試器(更好地瞭解它),還可以在不同位置打印出值,看看它們是否符合您的期望。 – Kayaman


停止除以100吧?我認爲我們需要一些更多的信息,比如我們可以幫助你的信息。 – simonv


打印錯誤的號碼,是否所有的數字都會發生(複利,總利息,單利)?它似乎總是打印1/100它應該? –




double userInterest = (principal * r2 * year)/100; 
double userBalance = principal + userInterest; 

答案可能是正確的,但你需要解釋爲什麼它是錯誤的,並張貼正確的一個 – c0der


老兄其簡單的公式我應該怎麼解釋SI =本金*利率*時間/ 100 – Ashish


@Ashish,我相信你的公式是不正確或至少不是OP希望使用的那個。 –

