我正在Unity中進行一個遊戲,這個遊戲是在您控制的單位的六面板上播放的。當一個單位被選中時,它周圍的格子被點亮,表示(通過顏色 - 藍色移動,橙色攻擊),你可以移動到他們身上,或者攻擊他們。下面是引用一個截圖:獲取我的一個隊列的錯誤..需要幫助搞清楚
//breadth first search
//has built in range checker so you dont have to check the path length of every individual node
//works whether attackRange or moveRange is longer
public void showUnitsHexes(ArmyUnit unitScript, bool trueShowFalseHide)
if(trueShowFalseHide == false)
foreach(TileNode node in nodesToHide)
//change the mat back to the default white
comReader.changeNodeMat(node, CommandReader.hexMats.defaultt);
//Only show if its your turn (return on enemy turn)
if ((comReader.playerNum == getWhichButtonAndPlayer.playerType.P1 && comReader.CurrPlayerTurn == 2)
|| (comReader.playerNum == getWhichButtonAndPlayer.playerType.P2 && comReader.CurrPlayerTurn == 1))
#region SETUP
//these were originally parameters but it's easier to just set them in the funct itself
TileNode startNode = unitScript.node;
int attackRange = unitScript.attackRange;
int moveRange = unitScript.moveRange;
if (startNode == null || (attackRange < 1 && moveRange < 1))
//how to know when you're done
int finishedRadius;
if (moveRange > attackRange)
finishedRadius = moveRange;
finishedRadius = attackRange;
//get the list of nodes not to go over twice, and the queue of nodes to go through
List<TileNode> nodesPassedAlready = new List<TileNode>();
Queue<TileNode> nodesToGoToInCurrentRadius = new Queue<TileNode>();
Queue<TileNode> nodesToGoToInNextRadius = new Queue<TileNode>();
int currentRadius = 1;
bool finished = false;
//add the 6 nodes surrounding the initial node to the queue to start things off
foreach (TileNode n in startNode.nodeLinks)
//while the queue is not empty...
while (finished == false)
//if done in current radius, need to go to next radius
if (nodesToGoToInCurrentRadius.Count < 1)
if (currentRadius == finishedRadius)
finished = true;
nodesToGoToInCurrentRadius = nodesToGoToInNextRadius;
nodesToGoToInNextRadius = new Queue<TileNode>();
//...get the next node and...
TileNode n = nodesToGoToInCurrentRadius.Dequeue();
//...if there's no issue...
#region safety check
//...if the node is null, has already been shown, is inhabited by a non-unit, don't bother with it
if (n == null || nodesPassedAlready.Contains(n) || comReader.hexIsInhabited(n, false, true))
//...if is inhabited and outside of attackRange, or inhabited by a friendly unit, don't bother with it
//NOTE: rather than combining this with the above if check, leave it separated (and AFTER) to avoid errors when n == null)
ArmyUnit currUnit = comReader.CurrentlySelectedUnit;
if (comReader.hexIsInhabited(n, true, true) && (currentRadius > currUnit.attackRange || comReader.unitIsMine(comReader.getUnitOnHex(n).GetComponent<ArmyUnit>())))
//...1) show it
#region show nodes
//show as requested, add it to the list
//change the mat to whatever color is relevant: if n is inhabited and in attack range, color atkColor, otherwise color moveColor
if (comReader.hexIsInhabited(n, true, true) && currentRadius <= attackRange)
Debug.Log("attackRange: " + attackRange);
if (n.name.Equals("node345"))
Debug.Log("checked it");
comReader.changeNodeMat(n, CommandReader.hexMats.attack);
//make sure hex is in moveRange. possible that it isnt, if attack range > moveRange
else if (moveRange >= currentRadius)
comReader.changeNodeMat(n, CommandReader.hexMats.move);
//do not take n.show() out of those braces. If you do, it will sometimes show white nodes and you don't want to show them
//...2) don't go over it a second time
//...and 3) add all surrounding nodes to the queue if they haven't been gone over yet AND ARE NOT ALREADY IN THE QUEUE
foreach (TileNode adjacentNode in n.nodeLinks)
#region safety check
//...if the node is null or has already been shown or is inhabited by a non-unit, don't bother with it
if (adjacentNode == null || nodesPassedAlready.Contains(adjacentNode) || comReader.hexIsInhabited(adjacentNode, false, true))
//...if is inhabited and outside of attackRange, don't bother with it
//NOTE: rather than combining this with the above if check, leave it separated (and AFTER) to avoid errors when n == null)
//currUnit already defined in the above safetycheck
if (comReader.hexIsInhabited(adjacentNode, true, true) && currentRadius > currUnit.attackRange)
我的問題是,當我設置的攻擊範圍大於地圖的大小(設置爲30 ,地圖是12x19),我得到的錯誤:
InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1[TileNode].Peek()
同樣的,當我設定的範圍,以17或18 - 足以能夠攻擊從那裏你看到敵人的基地,我圖片中的單位 - 儘管它在攻擊範圍內,該基地的節點甚至從未在該功能中看過。
這個錯誤信息是什麼意思?我的邏輯錯誤在哪裏?對不起,如果這是不經意地寫 - 我會很樂意回答你可能有任何問題。謝謝!
謝謝你的非常詳細的答案!我在if case(在TileNoden = ... Dequeue())之前添加了一個檢查。它所做的只是說,如果nodesToGoToInCurrentRadius爲空,請繼續。我沒有得到這個錯誤,所以這可能是導致它的原因。但是,它甚至沒有檢查到敵方基地的節點。 – user3808547 2014-11-04 05:57:27
我看不出任何明顯的東西。你有沒有嘗試在每個重要部分設置中斷點並逐步完成?嘗試添加更多的Debug.Log()以獲得所有處理節點的完整視圖。 – b2zw2a 2014-11-04 07:20:40