while True:
a,b=input("Enter two numbers (sperated by a comma): ")
operator=raw_input("Do you want to add, subtract, multiply, or divide? ")
if operator=="divide":
print "Your answer is", a/b
if operator=="multiply":
print "Your answer is", a * b
if operator=="add":
print "Your answer is", a + b
if operator=="subtract":
print "Your answer is", a - b
repeat=raw_input("Do you want to perform another calculation(yes or no)? ")
if repeat == 'no':
while True:
a,b=input("Enter two numbers (sperated by a comma): ")
operator=raw_input("Do you want to add, subtract, multiply, or divide? ")
if operator=="divide":
print "Your answer is", a/b
if operator=="multiply":
print "Your answer is", a * b
if operator=="add":
print "Your answer is", a + b
if operator=="subtract":
print "Your answer is", a - b
repeat=raw_input("Do you want to perform another calculation(yes or no)? ")
if repeat.lower.startswith('n'):
repeat = "yes"
while repeat.lower().strip() == 'yes':
a,b=input("Enter two numbers (sperated by a comma): ")
operator=raw_input("Do you want to add, subtract, multiply, or divide? ")
if operator=="divide":
print "Your answer is", a/b
if operator=="multiply":
print "Your answer is", a * b
if operator=="add":
print "Your answer is", a + b
if operator=="subtract":
print "Your answer is", a - b
repeat=raw_input("Do you want to perform another calculation(yes or no)? ")
可以把真實的情況 – 2015-04-03 11:39:55