2013-08-22 170 views



Sub test() 
s1 = "Sheet1" 
s2 = "Sheet2" 
Set r = Sheets(s1).Range(Sheets(s1).Cells(2, 1), Sheets(s1).Cells(Sheets(s1).Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row, 1)) 
Count = 1 
For Each c In r 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 1) = "" & c.Value & "" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 2) = "" & Sheets(s1).Cells(Count + 1, 2).Value & "" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 3) = "animals/type/" & c.Value & "/option/an_" & c.Value & "_co.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 4) = "animals/" & c.Value & "/option/an_" & c.Value & "_co2.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 5) = "animals/" & c.Value & "/shade/an_" & c.Value & "_shade.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 6) = "animals/" & c.Value & "/shade/an_" & c.Value & "_shade2.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 7) = "animals/" & c.Value & "/shade/an_" & c.Value & "_shade.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 8) = "animals/" & c.Value & "/shade/an_" & c.Value & "_shade2.png" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 9) = "" & Sheets(s1).Cells(Count + 1, 3).Value & "" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 10) = "" & Sheets(s1).Cells(Count + 1, 4).Value & "" 
    Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1, 11) = "" & Sheets(s1).Cells(Count + 1, 5).Value & "" 
    Count = Count + 1 
Next c 

End Sub 





Sub test() 

    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Dim rngData As Range 
    Dim DataCell As Range 
    Dim arrResults() As Variant 
    Dim ResultIndex As Long 
    Dim strFolderPath As String 

    Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1") 
    Set rngData = ws.Range("A2", ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) 
    If rngData.Row < 2 Then Exit Sub 'No data 

    ReDim arrResults(1 To rngData.Rows.Count, 1 To 11) 
    strFolderPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator 

    For Each DataCell In rngData.Cells 
     ResultIndex = ResultIndex + 1 
     Select Case (Len(ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "B").Text) > 0) 
      Case True: arrResults(ResultIndex, 1) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "B").Text & "" 
      Case Else: arrResults(ResultIndex, 1) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "A").Text & "" 
     End Select 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 2) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "B").Text & "" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 3) = "animals/type/" & DataCell.Text & "/option/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_co.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 4) = "animals/" & DataCell.Text & "/option/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_co2.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 5) = "animals/" & DataCell.Text & "/shade/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_shade.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 6) = "animals/" & DataCell.Text & "/shade/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_shade2.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 7) = "animals/" & DataCell.Text & "/shade/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_shade.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 8) = "animals/" & DataCell.Text & "/shade/an_" & DataCell.Text & "_shade2.png" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 9) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "C").Text & "" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 10) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "D").Text & "" 
     arrResults(ResultIndex, 11) = "" & ws.Cells(DataCell.Row, "E").Text & "" 
    Next DataCell 

    'Add a new sheet 
    With Sheets.Add 
     Sheets("Sheet2").Rows(1).Copy .Range("A1") 
     .Range("A2").Resize(ResultIndex, UBound(arrResults, 2)).Value = arrResults 
     '.UsedRange.EntireRow.AutoFit 'Uncomment this line if desired 

     'The .Move will move this sheet to its own workook 

     'Save the workbook, turning off DisplayAlerts will suppress prompt to override existing file 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
     ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFolderPath & "destin.xls", xlExcel8 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
    End With 

    Set ws = Nothing 
    Set rngData = Nothing 
    Set DataCell = Nothing 
    Erase arrResults 

End Sub 

Tigeravatar這很棒,它效果很棒!謝謝!我有一個問題。對於新創建的文檔,我想添加標題,所以我如何添加以下內容:book.Sheets(s2).Cells(1,1)=「Header 1」 book.Sheets(s2).Cells(1 ,2)=「Header 2」 book.Sheets(s2).Cells(1,3)=「Header 3」 book.Sheets(s2).Cells(1,4)=「Header 4」 – Chuck


see above comment 。謝謝 – Chuck


如果你已經有了Sheet2中的頭文件(我認爲),那麼得到這些頭文件就是這行代碼:'Sheets(「Sheet2」).Rows(1).Copy .Range(「A1」)'然而, ,如果需要在代碼中手動添加標題,則可以使用如下代碼行:'.Range(「A1」)。Resize(,11).Value = Array(「Header 1」,「Header 2」, 「標題3」等)...... – tigeravatar



Dim orig As Workbook 
Set orig = ActiveWorkbook 

Dim book As Workbook 
Set book = Workbooks.Add 

Set r = orig.Sheets(s1).Range(...) 
book.Sheets(s2).Cells(...) = orig.Sheets(s1).Cells(...) 


嗨,羅布,感謝回答。我做了你所說的,但由於某種原因它創建了文檔,但一直說它已經存在,當它沒有時,它不會放入源Excel文件中的條目。這是我做的 – Chuck


次試驗(+) 昏暗的書作爲工作簿 套裝書= Workbooks.Add S1 = 「工作表Sheet1」 S2 = 「Sheet2的」 集合R =表(S1).Range(表(S1)。單元格(2,1),表格(s1).Cells(表格(s1).Range(「A1」)。結束(xlDown).Row,1)) Count = 1 For Each c in r book。 (s2).Cells(Count + 1,2)=「」&Sheets(s1).Cells(s2).Cells(Count + 1,1)=「」&c.Value&「」 book.Sheets Count + 1,2).Value&「」 book.Sheets(s2).Cells(Count + 1,3)=「animals /」&c.Value&「/ option/an_」&c.Value&「_co .png「 Count = Count + 1 book.Save As(「destin.xlsx」) Next c End Sub – Chuck


@Chuck我編輯了這個答案,原始工作簿保存到一個'orig'變量中。這是必要的,因爲否則調用'Sheets'將在新工作簿中查找工作表而不是原來的工作表。看看這是否更有意義。 –



Sub SourceToDest() 
    Dim wbSource As Workbook 
    Dim wbDest As Workbook 
    Dim wsSource As Worksheet 
    Dim wsDest As Worksheet 

    ' Setup Source 
    Set wbSource = ThisWorkbook 
    Set wsSource = wbSource.Sheets("Sheet1") 

    'Setup Dest 
    Set wbDest = Workbooks.Add 
    Set wsDest = wbDest.Sheets("Sheet1") 

    'Now just copy your values from the wsSource to the wsDest 
    wsDest.Cells(Count + 1, 1) = "" & c.Value & "" 
    'etc... as you where doing... 

    'or copy directly from one sheet to another... 
    wsDest.Cells(Count + 1, 1) = wsSource.Cells(Count + 1, 1) 
End Sub 

噢是的....不要忘記保存它,就像Rob I在他的例子中提到的那樣(必須補充說我正在編寫我的示例...和這種類似的東西) –


您好Code_fodder,感謝您的回覆。我試過,由於某種原因,它不會運行 – Chuck


哪一部分不起作用? (它沒有經過語法測試,目前我正在使用linux ...所以現在只能使用libra辦公室,我可以在週末看一看。) –
