2017-01-09 19 views

在嘗試爲我的遊戲製作網格列表的空間網格時,我試圖根據特定網格的座標數據製作一個唯一的散列。我試圖拿走我的網格數據:WorldName world_name; uint8_t stage_index; short int pos_x; short int pos_y; short int pos_z;並嘗試構建一個獨特的uint64_t hash_bitfield帶符號的int打破了較大位域的部分

我的uint64_t GenerateHash(...)在我的網格座標爲正數時效果很好。然而,當任何是否定的,我得到的不良影響:

world: 1  -->> 0000 0001 
stage: 1  -->> 0000 0001 
pos_x: 23  -->> 0000 0000 0001 0111 
pos_y: -23  -->> 1111 1111 1110 1001 
pos_z: 23  -->> 0000 0000 0001 0111 

[ world ] [ stage ] [  pos_x  ] [  pos_y  ] [  pos_z  ] 
--byte7-- --byte6-- --byte5-- --byte4-- --byte3-- --byte2-- --byte1-- --byte0-- 
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1110 1001 0000 0000 0001 0111 <-- what I get 
0000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0000 0001 0111 0000 0000 0001 0111 0000 0000 0001 0111 <-- when y is positive 

What I expected:      vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
0000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0000 0001 0111 1111 1111 1110 1001 0000 0000 0001 0111 


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <bitset> 
using namespace std; 

enum WorldName{ // These are collections of gameobj sectors 

uint64_t GenerateHash(WorldName world_name, uint8_t stage_index, short int pos_x, short int pos_y, short int pos_z){ 
    uint64_t world_name_t = world_name; 
    uint64_t stage_index_t = stage_index; 
    uint64_t pos_x_t = pos_x; 
    uint64_t pos_y_t = pos_y; 
    uint64_t pos_z_t = pos_z; 

    // Try to flip the sign manually (it doesn't help) 
    //uint64_t pos_x_t, pos_y_t, pos_z_t; 
    //if(pos_x < 0){ pos_x_t = ~(uint64_t(abs(pos_x))) + 1; } else { pos_x_t = pos_x; } 
    //if(pos_y < 0){ pos_y_t = ~(uint64_t(abs(pos_y))) + 1; } else { pos_y_t = pos_y; } 
    //if(pos_z < 0){ pos_z_t = ~(uint64_t(abs(pos_z))) + 1; } else { pos_z_t = pos_z; } 

    uint64_t hash_bitfield = 0x0; 
    hash_bitfield |= world_name_t << (8 * 7); 
    hash_bitfield |= stage_index_t << (8 * 6); 
    hash_bitfield |= pos_x_t << (8 * 4); 
    hash_bitfield |= pos_y_t << (8 * 2); 
    hash_bitfield |= pos_z_t; 

    return hash_bitfield; 

void PrintBitString(std::string bitstr, std::string label="", bool print_ruler=true){ 
    std::string buffer; 
    int count = 0; 
    for(size_t i = 0; i < bitstr.size(); i++){ 
     buffer += bitstr[i]; 
     if(count >3){ buffer += ' '; count = 0; } 

     int num_of_bytes_to_draw = (bitstr.size()/8); 
     for(size_t k = num_of_bytes_to_draw; k > 0; --k){ 
      cout << "--byte" << k - 1 << "-- "; 
     cout << endl; 

    cout << buffer << endl; 

int main() { 
    WorldName world_name = (WorldName) 1; // 4B 
    uint8_t stage_index = 1;  // 1B 
    short int pos_x = 23;  // 2B 
    short int pos_y = -23;  // 2B 
    short int pos_z = 23;  // 2B 

    std::bitset<8> world_name_bits(world_name); 
    std::bitset<8> stage_index_bits(stage_index); 
    std::bitset<16> pos_x_bits(pos_x); 
    std::bitset<16> pos_y_bits(pos_y); 
    std::bitset<16> pos_z_bits(pos_z); 
    cout << "world: " << world_name << "\t-->> " << world_name_bits << endl; 
    cout << "stage: " << (int)stage_index << "\t-->> " << stage_index_bits << endl; 
    cout << "pos_x: " << pos_x << "\t-->> " << pos_x_bits << endl; 
    cout << "pos_y: " << pos_y << "\t-->> " << pos_y_bits << endl; 
    cout << "pos_z: " << pos_z << "\t-->> " << pos_z_bits << endl << endl; 

    uint64_t my_hash = GenerateHash(world_name, stage_index, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z); 
    uint64_t my_hash_abs = GenerateHash(world_name, stage_index, pos_x, abs(pos_y), pos_z); 

    cout << "[ world ] [ stage ] [  pos_x  ] [  pos_y  ] [  pos_z  ]" << endl; 
    std::bitset<64> bits(my_hash); 
    std::bitset<64> bits_abs(my_hash_abs); 
    cout << endl; 





你可以指定他們之前投的pos_x等變量unsigned shortpos_x_t

uint_64_t pos_x_t = (unsigned short) pos_x; 



uint_64_t pos_x_t = uint_64_t(pos_x) & 0xFFFF; 


hash_bitfield |= (pos_x_t & 0xFFFF) << (8 * 4); 



by'unsigned short'你的意思是'uint16_t' –


這個技巧。這很簡單,我很慚愧,我沒有想到它。謝謝。 uint64_t pos_x_t = uint16_t(pos_x); uint64_t pos_y_t = uint16_t(pos_y); uint64_t pos_z_t = uint16_t(pos_z); – truthastup