我有一個原始(音頻)數據文件,需要將其讀入R程序中作爲帶符號的2字節整數。下面的C代碼在將文件讀入unsigned char數組之後成功完成轉換。R將2個字節的原始數據轉換爲整數
我在R遇到困難,可能是因爲 的異常整數大小爲2個字節。在C代碼下面,我寫了我現在在R中的所有內容以及錯誤消息。
void samples2floats(unsigned char *audio, float *buff, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < n; i++) buff[i] = sample2float(audio + i*BYTES_PER_SAMPLE);
float sample2float(unsigned char *temp) {
int i,tot,j,g;
unsigned char b[BYTES_PER_SAMPLE],*ptr;
float x;
tot= 0;
ptr = (unsigned char *) &tot;
for (j = 0; j < BYTES_PER_SAMPLE; j++) ptr[j] = temp[j];
if (tot & 0x8000) tot |= 0xffff0000;
x = tot/(float) 0x10000;
#read in data
maxaudio = 100000
to.read = file("filename.raw", "rb")
audio = readBin(to.read, "raw", size = 1, n = maxaudio, signed = FALSE)
audio[493:500] #what the data looks like
#[1] e9 ff eb ff ef ff ec ff
audio = sapply(audio,function(x) paste(as.integer(rev(rawToBits(x))),collapse=""))
audio[493:500] #what the data looks like
#[1] "11101001" "11111111" "11101011" "11111111" "11101111" "11111111" "11101100" "11111111"
BinToDec <- function(x) #convert binary to decimal
sum(2^(which(rev(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "")) == 1))-1))
sample2num = function(char.audio) {
wave = numeric(0)
for (i in 1:length(char.audio)) {
p = (i-1)*2 + 1
#concatenates two values, e.g. "1110100111111111", converts to int
int.val = BinToDec(paste(toString(audio[p]), toString(audio[p+1]), sep = ""))
if (bitwAnd(int.val, 0x8000)) int.val = bitwOr(int.val, 0xffff)
#had to change 0xffff0000 to 0xffff, or got error Warning message: In
#bitwOr(int.val, 4294901760) : NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
x = int.val/0x8000
if (abs(x) > 1) stop(paste("value outside range", temp[1], temp[2], x))
wave = c(wave, x)
test = sample2num(audio[5000:50000])
#Error in sample2num(audio[5000:50000]) :
# value outside range 1111111111101001 NA 1.99996948242188