2013-04-08 71 views

您好我試圖將數據庫中的數據存儲到變量,然後嘗試處理它。 但不知何故變量不會從數據庫中讀取任何數據並給出其初始值。 繼承人的代碼將數據從數據庫檢索到變量與C#

int c1=0,c2=0.c3=0,c4=0,sum; 

if (rbFour.Checked == true) 
      proce = cmb1.Text + "," + cmb2.Text + "," + cmb3.Text + "," + cmb4.Text; 
      SqlDataAdapter d = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb1.ValueMember, Program.con); 
      DataTable t = new DataTable(); 
      foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) 

      c1 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter qd = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb2.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable qt = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in qt.Rows) 

      c2 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter wd = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb3.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable wt = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in wt.Rows) 

      c3 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter ed = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb4.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable et = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in et.Rows) 

      c4 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
    else if (rbThree.Checked == true) 
     proce = cmb1.Text + "," + cmb2.Text + "," + cmb3.Text; 
     SqlDataAdapter d = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb1.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable t = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) 

      c1 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter qd = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb2.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable qt = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in qt.Rows) 

      c2 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter wd = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb3.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable wt = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in wt.Rows) 

      c3 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
    else if (rbTwo.Checked == true) 
     proce = cmb1.Text + "," + cmb2.Text; 
     SqlDataAdapter d = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb1.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable t = new DataTable(); 

     foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) 

      c1 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 
     SqlDataAdapter qd = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb2.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable qt = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in qt.Rows) 

      c2 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 

     proce = cmb1.Text; 
     SqlDataAdapter d = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Amount from addpro where SSN=" + cmb1.ValueMember, Program.con); 
     DataTable t = new DataTable(); 
     foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) 

      c1 = Convert.ToInt32(row[0]); 

誰能幫助this.i使用相同的代碼幾天ago.it fine.but工作,現在我不知道什麼不妥的地方。 我需要解決方案儘快任何人都可以幫助PLZ?


不使用。在c2 = 0之後,c3 = 0「int c1 = 0,c2 = 0,c3 = 0,c4 = 0,sum;」,你得到的錯誤是什麼... – Rahul 2013-04-08 12:39:31


你錯過了填充DataTable的代碼'。有關示例,請參閱[此處](https://www.google.com/search?q=dataadapter+datatable)。 – mbeckish 2013-04-08 12:39:38


thanx您的評論與填充()字段。桌子沒有填滿田地。 問題解決thanx @mbeckish – user2257581 2013-04-08 12:58:25




SqlDataAdapter d = new SqlDataAdapter("...", con); 
    DataTable t = new DataTable(); 
    d.Fill(t); // Here 



string sqlText = "Select Amount from addpro where [email protected]"; 
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, Program.con); 
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ssn", cmb1.ValueMember); 
object result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); 
if(result != null) 
    c1 = Convert.ToInt32(result); 




private int GetComboValue(ComboBox cbo) 
     // all the code above replacing cmb1 with cbo and c1 with ssnNumber 
     return ssnNumber; 


if (rbFour.Checked == true) 
    c1 = GetComboValue(cmb1); 
    c2 = GetComboValue(cmb2); 
    c3 = GetComboValue(cmb3); 
    c4 = GetComboValue(cmb4); 

問題解決。 thanx的額外代碼。我會在我的申請中使用它 thant a tonne – user2257581 2013-04-08 12:59:57


