2016-05-06 108 views

我使用VIM很多,之前已經能夠獲得+xterm_clipboardsupport working by using a script provided in a separate post on StackOverflow.我已經在我的機器上重新安裝了Ubuntu,並且從Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (Wily)到Ubuntu 16.04 LTS(Xenial)。Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 無法在VIM中啓用xterm_clipboard

# Get the compile-dependencies of vim 
sudo apt-get build-dep vim 
# If you haven't got mercurial, get it 
sudo apt-get install mercurial 
# Get the source 
hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com/hg/ vim_source 
# Compile it 
cd vim_source 
./configure \ 
    --enable-perlinterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-pythoninterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-rubyinterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-cscope \ 
    --enable-gui=auto \ 
    --enable-gtk2-check \ 
    --enable-gnome-check \ 
    --with-features=huge \ 
    --with-x \ 
    --with-compiledby="Your Name <[email protected]>" \ 
make && sudo make install 

然而,這不再起作用了,我不能利用的+ÿ猛拉緩衝到系統剪貼板中。我沒有看到任何明顯的.configure輸出,但vim --version始終顯示-xterm_clipboard當我建立它。我該如何解決這個問題?






# Get the compile-dependencies of vim 
sudo apt-get -y build-dep vim 
# Install the "checkinstall" tool so the "make install" step is 
# wrapped and the result is a .deb file that can be removed later by 
# your package manager rather than having to hunt down every file deployed 
# by "make install", which might not be possible if it overwrites existing 
# system files. 
sudo apt-get -y install checkinstall 
# Install python dev 
sudo apt-get -y install python-dev 
# Install xorg dev 
sudo apt-get -y install xorg-dev 
# Install git 
sudo apt-get -y install git 
# Get the source 
git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git vim_source 
# Remove ./configure cache in case we have to run this twice due to permissions 
# related issues. 
rm vim_source/src/auto/config.cache 
# Compile it 
cd vim_source 
make clean 
./configure \ 
    --enable-perlinterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-pythoninterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-rubyinterp=dynamic \ 
    --enable-cscope \ 
    --enable-gui=auto \ 
    --enable-gtk2-check \ 
    --enable-gnome-check \ 
    --with-features=normal \ 
    --with-x \ 
    --with-compiledby="DevNull <[email protected]/dev/null>" \ 
    --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config-$(uname -m)-linux-gnu 
# Build quickly (8 parallel jobs, hope your system doesn't get overwhelmed) 
make -j8 
# Need root to install 
sudo checkinstall