2013-10-15 74 views




$name = $_POST['query']; 
$cap = null; 
$ugly = "http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3v5kj4ERf1qijcxeo1_500.gif"; 
$pretty = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Bebe_Phoque_de_Weddell_Baby_Weddell_Seal.gif"; 
$hot = "http://hosting01.hotchyx.com/adult-image-hosting-42/466laugh.gif"; 
$weird = "http://d2tq98mqfjyz2l.cloudfront.net/image_cache/1308355337507544.gif"; 
$choice = null; 
$little = null; 
$adj1 = "walrus devouring"; 
$adj2 = "cat canoodling"; 
$adj3 = "voluptuous machine of ghettoness and stupidity"; 
$adjch = null; 
$i = rand(1,4); 
$w = rand(1,3); 

if(w == 1) 
    $adjch = $adj1; 
elseif (w == 2) 
    $adjch = $adj2; 
elseif (w == 3) 
    $adjch = $adj3; 

if(i == 1) 
    $choice = $ugly; 
    $little = "You should probably see a doctor."; 
    $cap = "$name, You're uglier than all of One Direction * 2 + 100. That's pretty bad."; 

elseif (i == 2) 
    $choice = $weird; 
    $cap = "$name, you're weird."; 
    $little = "I wish I didn't know you and you didn't exist you creepy, $adjch diddly do gooder."; 
elseif (i == 3) 
    $choice = $pretty; 
    $cap = "$name, you're the prettiest $adjch person on earth."; 
    $little = "ilu so much"; 
else if(i == 4) 
    $choice = $hot; 
    $cap = "$name, help the homeless. Take me home with you."; 
    $little = "You're hot. Really hot."; 



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<p><img src="<?php echo $choice;?>"</p> 
<h2 align='center'><strong><?php echo $cap;?></strong></h2> 
<p><?php echo $little;?></p> 
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if(w == 1)if(i == 1)?什麼是w?什麼是i?您只宣佈$w$i



    $name = $_POST['query']; 

    $adjs = array(
     1 => "walrus devouring", 
     2 => "cat canoodling", 
     3 => "voluptuous machine of ghettoness and stupidity" 

    $adjch = $adjs[rand(1, 3)]; 

    $choices = array(
     1 => "http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3v5kj4ERf1qijcxeo1_500.gif", 
     2 => "http://d2tq98mqfjyz2l.cloudfront.net/image_cache/1308355337507544.gif", 
     3 => "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Bebe_Phoque_de_Weddell_Baby_Weddell_Seal.gif", 
     4 => "http://hosting01.hotchyx.com/adult-image-hosting-42/466laugh.gif" 

    $littles = array(
     1 => "You should probably see a doctor.", 
     2 => "I wish I didn't know you and you didn't exist you creepy, $adjch diddly do gooder.", 
     3 => "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Bebe_Phoque_de_Weddell_Baby_Weddell_Seal.gif", 
     4 => "You're hot. Really hot." 

    $caps = array(
     1 => "$name, You're uglier than all of One Direction * 2 + 100. That's pretty bad.", 
     2 => "$name, you're weird.", 
     3 => "ilu so much", 
     4 => "$name, help the homeless. Take me home with you." 

    $i = rand(1, 4); 

    $choice = $choices[$i]; 
    $cap = $caps[$i]; 
    $little = $littles[$i]; 


很好的回答。 +1 – Fixie



if ($w == ...)if ($i==...),當然瘦了如何使用switch statement