我使用metricbeat獲取docker性能數據,並試圖從Docker性能數據中生成Dashboards。在kibana控制面板中出現問題 - set fielddata = true
,然後我重新啓動Metricbeat和Kibana開始。 問題依然存在。這三個錯誤:
Visualize: Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. Set fielddata=true on [docker.container.name] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory.
Visualize: Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. Set fielddata=true on [docker.container.id] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory.
Visualize: Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. Set fielddata=true on [docker.container.image] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory.
什麼是您使用的ES版本? – Kulasangar
我已經更新了答案。讓我知道它是否有效! – Kulasangar