2016-06-17 30 views

我試圖從大量的工作表中複製行。 根據不同的版本,我有多個與某個文檔相關的行。 因此,一些行具有相同的參考,相同的名稱,但具有不同的版本/創建日期。我想複製到另一個工作表(例如Sheet2)每個文檔的最新版本。基於多個單元格值複製行

我已經嘗試了至少幾個while循環來檢查所有行和如果檢查日期的值,但我沒有使它的工作,我不知道它是否是一種有效的方式做到這一點。 這裏是我的問題的圖片和代碼的一部分,我寫道:

Dim Name as String 
Dim Dates as Date 
With Sheets(Sheet1) 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
    Name = Cells(1,3) 'Initialise Name 
    Dates = Cells(1,5) 'Initialise Dates 
    LineCopy = 1 'The line we'll copy 
    Line = 1 'The line we use to check the sheet 
    While Name <> "" 'if the name is not empty, ie there are no documents left 

     While Sheets(Sheet1).StrComp(Name, .Cells(Line, 3)) = True 'WHile you are working with a same name document 
      If .Cells(Line, 5) > Dates Then 'If the document is older, then choose it. 
       Dates = .Cells(Line, 5) 

       LineCopy = Line 'If there are no older documents, then it's the one to copy 
       Sheets(Sheet1).Range("A" & LineCopy & ":" & "E" & LineCopy).Copy ' Copy the oldest document 

      End If 

      Line = Line + 1 ' Increment the Line in the second while to check every line 

     Name = .Cells(LineCopy + 1, 6) 'After the first while, let's change name to the second document and do it all over again. 


My problem


所以你想複製基於最新日期的行與獨特的參考。我對嗎? –


根據我的理解,你需要這個函數'= MAX(E2:E4)'它給你最近的日期 –


是的,但是我不知道每個文檔有多少行。 –






Dim max_date As Date 
Dim max_row As Long 
Dim old_sheet As Worksheet 
Dim new_sheet As Worksheet 
Dim counter As Long 
Dim last_name as String 

Set new_sheet = Sheets("Sheet2") 'adjust name to result sheet 
counter = 1 

For x = 1 To 5 ' the sheets you should loop thru 
    Set old_sheet = Sheets(x) 
    end_row = old_sheet.Cells(old_sheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

    For i = 2 To end_row 'loop all rows 
     If old_sheet.Cells(i, 5) > max_date Then 'if the date is larger, sve the date and the row 
      max_date = old_sheet.Cells(i, 5) 
      max_row = i 
     End If 

     if old_sheet.cells(i,j)<>"" then last_name = old_sheet.cells(i,j) 

     If (old_sheet.Cells(i + 1, 1) <> "" and old_sheet.Cells(i + 1, 1) <> last_name) or i = end_row Then 
      For j = 1 To 4 
       new_sheet(counter, j) = old_sheet(max_row, j) 'add the data to the new sheet 
      Next j 
      max_date = DateValue("01/01/1970") 'reset the date value 
      counter = counter + 1 'new row to move the data to 
     End If 
    Next i 
Next x 

謝謝。雖然我仍然有問題,但它工作得很好:有時文檔的最後一個版本不在下一個文檔的上方。在我的示例中,第4行可能爲空,所以我需要使用第3行,但是複製是在old_sheet.Cells(i + 1,1)<> old_sheet.Cells(i,1)測試之後進行的,因此在我的案件。我該如何解決它? –


@ Pierre-EtienneLeyder我編輯了上面的代碼來保存一個臨時字符串。 – Fredrik


作品很有魅力,謝謝! –
