2016-02-10 24 views

我剛剛爲我的同事完成了一個計算器,但我想使用它的數字鍵盤。 我的問題很簡單!我需要將數字鍵盤與我的計算器連接到哪個JavaScript函數?數字鍵盤劑量與我的計算器一起工作



** operation functions 

var dropdown = document.querySelector('material-dropdown'); 
var dropdownMenu = document.querySelectorAll('material-dropdown-menu'); 
var items = document.querySelectorAll('material-dropdown div') 

var dropdown = { 
    // storage for currentry selected item 
    selected: '', 

    select: function() { 
    dropdown.selected = this.innerHTML; 

    close: function(evt) { 
    target.setAttribute('selected', dropdown.selected); 
    target.querySelector('#label').innerHTML = dropdown.selected; 
    open: function(target) { 
    target.setAttribute('state', 'expanded'); 
    document.addEventListener('click', dropdown.close) 

    baseImput: function() { 
    if (dropdown.selected === 'Binary') base.imput = 2; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Octal') base.imput = 8; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Decimal') base.imput = 10; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Duodecimal') base.imput = 12; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Hexadecimal') base.imput = 16; 

    baseOutput: function() { 
    if (dropdown.selected === 'Binary') base.output = 2; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Octal') base.output = 8; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Decimal') base.output = 10; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Duodecimal') base.output = 12; 

    if (dropdown.selected === 'Hexadecimal') base.output = 16; 


for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { 
    items[i].addEventListener('click', dropdown.select); 

for (var i = 0; i < dropdownMenu.length; i++) { 
    dropdownMenu[i].addEventListener('click', dropdown.open); 

// global variables 
var calculator = document.querySelector('custom-calculator'); 
var display = calculator.querySelector('custom-calculator-display'); 

// storage for the calculator imputs 
var memory = []; 

// storage for the tempory memory 
var memoryTemp = ''; 

// storage for the result from calculating the memory 
var result = ''; 

// storage for the calculator imputs 
var base = { 
    imput: 10, 
    output: 10 

// storage for the calculator imputs 
var conferter = { 
    imput: 1, 
    output: 1 

// reset the calculator 
function clear() { 
    memory = []; 
    result = ''; 

// remove the last digit in memory 
function del() { 

// prosses the keypress 
function keyPress(key) { 
    // clear if an result is shown and the event hasn't been triggered by the '=' key 
    if (result && key !== '=') { 
    // reset the calculator 

    // cicide what action to trigger 
    if (key === '=') { 
    // calculate the memory 
    } else if (key === 'EFFACER') { 
    // delete the last digit 
    } else if (key < base.imput || typeof key == 'string') { 
    // add the current key to the memory 

    // update the display so it shows the output/result 

// calculate the memory 
function math() { 
    // clear the result 
    result = ''; 

    // loop for amount of items in array 
    for (var i = 0; i < memory.length; i++) { 
    // check if digit is a nuber 
    if (typeof memory[i] == 'number') { 
     // add number to storage for memoryTemp 
     memoryTemp += memory[i]; 
    } else { 
     // add string to storage for result 
     // replace the ร— and the รท to prefent errors 
     result += memory[i].replace(/\u00D7/g, '*').replace(/\u00F7/g, '/'); 

    // check if it should add the content of memoryTemp to result 
    if (typeof memory[i + 1] != 'number') { 
     // add content memoryTemp to result 
     result += parseInt(memoryTemp, base.imput); 

     // reset memoryTemp 
     memoryTemp = ''; 

    // test for errors 
    try { 
    // set eval() result. and confert it to string if it succeeds 
    result = eval(result).toString(base.output); 
    } catch(err) { 
    // set result to err if it fails 
    result = 'err'; 

    // check if result is undefined or the outcome is NaN 
    if (result == undefined || result == 'NaN') { 
    // set result to err 
    result = 'err'; 

    // set display to [state="result"] 
    display.setAttribute('state', 'result'); 

// update the calculator 
function update() { 
    // set the inner HTML of #output to memory 
    display.querySelector('#output').innerHTML = memory.join(''); 

    // check if there's a '0' at the beginging of the memory 
    if (memory[0] == 0) { 
    // clear the memory to prefent issues with eval() 
    memory = []; 

    // check if the result has value undefined 
    // check if the result has value 'err' 
    if (result === undefined) { 
    // reset the calculator 
    } else if (result === 'err') { 
    // set the display to [state="erreur"] 
    display.setAttribute('state', 'erreur'); 

    // set the inner HTML of #output to Error... 
    display.querySelector('#output').innerHTML = 'Erreur...'; 
    } else { 
    // set the inner HTML of #result to result 
    display.querySelector('#result').innerHTML = result; 
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#result { 
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[primary="indigo"] custom-calculator-display[state="result"] { 
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[primary="light-green"] custom-calculator-display[state="result"] { 
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[primary="yellow"] custom-calculator-display[state="result"] { 
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[accent="purple"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="deep-purple"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="indigo"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="blue"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="light-blue"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="cyan"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="teal"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="green"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="light-green"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="lime"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="yellow"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="amber"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="orange"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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[accent="deep-orange"] custom-calculator-drawer { 
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panel-keyrow:last-child { 
    background: #616161; 
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custom-calculator-key { 
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    <html primary="light-blue" accent="teal"> 

     <custom-calculator-display mode="conferter"> 

     <div id="output">0</div> 

     <div id="result"></div> 


      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(7)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(4)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(1)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress('.')"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(8)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(5)"> 
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      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(9)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(6)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress(3)"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress('=')"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress('EFFACER')"> 
      <custom-calculator-key onClick="keyPress('÷')"> 
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啓用num lock? – A1rPun


你的問題很難理解。我猜你想用鍵盤輸入數字而不是點擊按鈕?使用'onKeyUp'事件來找出用戶何時按下了一個鍵。 – neuhaus


這是如何工作的? – Titof




  1. 打開屏幕鍵盤,單擊附件,單擊輕鬆訪問,然後單擊屏幕鍵盤。

  2. 單擊選項,選擇數字小鍵盤複選框,然後單擊確定。


我試過了但不行! – Titof
