我想從Raspberry Pi 3 +上的USB端口獲取數據。我已經連接了一個Arduino Nano,並且我通過USB端口向Pi發送了一個字符串(RFID卡的十進制UID號)。在這裏一切正常,我可以打印出沒有問題的字符串(ID)。我將卡上的ID與數據庫中的ID進行比較,如果我將一個靜態數字(在代碼中註釋如下)打印出數據。但是,如果我嘗試使用串行線,則什麼也不會發生。它好像根本不提取數據。我的數據庫的前景以及python代碼。 在此先感謝! !
card_id serial_no LastName FirstName
1 | 2136106133 | Hansen | Peter |
2 | 117254270 | Larsen | Thompson |
#的/ usr/bin中/ env的蟒
import MySQLdb
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',9600)
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", # your host, usually localhost
user="root", # your username
passwd="root", # your password
db="RFID") # name of the data base
CardID = 0
LastName = ""
FirstName = ""
while True:
print "pweasda"
print CardID
print "pewpew"
# CardID = 117254270 - this works. The problem is that I have many RFID cards/tags with different IDs of course. With this statement it prints everything correctly.
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cards WHERE serial_no=%s',(CardID))
results = cur.fetchall()
for row in results:
FirstName = row[3]
LastName = row [2]
serial_no = row [1]
card_id = row [0]
#print the fetched results
print "FirstName=%s,LastName=%s,serial_no=%s,card_id=%s" % \
(FirstName, LastName, serial_no, card_id)
print "Data committed"
你的數據庫是MySql還是sqlite? –
正如你可以在我的python代碼的開頭看到它說的導入MySQLdb。不過,我也嘗試過使用sqlite3。同樣的結果 – Smesh
不,以上代碼只能用於mysql! –