2017-01-16 29 views



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    <div class="sec1"> 
    <img src="http://www.moonwards.com/img/MWLogo-for-black-bckgnd.svg" alt="Moonwards" id="logo"> 
    <div class="sec2"> 
    <p class="accent">What would it really be like 
     <br>to live on the Moon?</p> 
<div class="container"> 
    <div class="outerDiv"> 
     <div class="innerDiv intro"> 
     <h1>Realistic Lunar Colony, Coming Online</h1> 
      This project is building a series of virtual colonies on the Moon. They will be richly detailed and interactive presentations that are entirely plausible, technically and scientifically. They will examine all the questions, consider all the implications. 
      When humanity undertakes ventures on the scale of space settlement, it matters a great deal how many people have given it real thought beforehand. These colonies serve that purpose. 
\t \t <div class="sideDiv"id="RSS-feed"> 
     <p id="item2" class="atom"><span class="datetime">Mon, 07 Nov 2016 19:50:00 GMT</span><span class="title"><a href="http://www.moonwards.com/">Lalande map</a></span><span class="description">Kim has finished composing an extremely detailed map of the Lalande crater. It is a huge file, but available at request.</span> 
\t \t </div>





這裏是你的代碼(在Chrome & FF測試)的修訂版:

    <img id="logo" src="http://www.moonwards.com/img ... svg" alt="Moonwards" id="logo"> 
    <p id="note">What would it really be like<br> to live on the Moon?</p> 

revised codepen


我會記住,作爲一般的做法,但它並沒有在這種情況下幫助。我更新了包含徽標的「sec1」類div的分頁,並將該分類從徽標中刪除。它正在做同樣的事情。 –


其實,在發佈我的答案之前,我把你的圖像包裝在一個div中,並且佈局工作。意思是,下面的元素沒有溢出標題,佈局看起來就像在Chrome中一樣。這就是我發佈這個答案的原因。 –


然後,你如何做和活動頁面之間還有一些其他的區別。實時頁面無法正常工作。 –
