我嘗試使用程序集NASM創建最簡單的WinAPI窗口。 我有Window Proc的問題。看看註釋行:如何獲取窗口proc參數?
%macro API 2 import %1 %2 extern %1 %endmacro API GetModuleHandleA, kernel32.dll API LoadIconA,user32.dll API LoadCursorA,user32.dll API RegisterClassExA, user32.dll API CreateWindowExA, user32.dll API MessageBoxA, user32.dll API SendMessageA, user32.dll API DefWindowProcA, user32.dll API ExitProcess, kernel32.dll API GetMessageA, user32.dll API DispatchMessageA, user32.dll API TranslateMessage,user32.dll API ShowWindow,user32.dll API UpdateWindow,user32.dll API GetCommandLineA,kernel32.dll API PostQuitMessage,user32.dll segment .data USE32 windowName db "Hello world!", 0 cmdLine dd 0 hWnd dd 0 hInst dd 0 hCursor dd 0 className db "moje_okno",0 blad db "Blad!!!",0 segment .bss struc WNDCLASSEX .sSize resb 4 .style resb 4 .wndProc resb 4 .clsExtra resb 4 .wndExtra resb 4 .hInstance resb 4 .hIcon resb 4 .hCursor resb 4 .background resb 4 .sMenuName resb 4 .sClassName resb 4 .hIconSm resb 4 endstruc wndClass istruc WNDCLASSEX iend global ..start segment .text USE32 ..start: push 0 call [GetModuleHandleA] mov dword [hInst], eax ; application handle push dword 0x00007f00 ; MAKEINTRESOURCE(32512) push dword 0 call [LoadCursorA] mov dword [hCursor], eax ; cursor handle mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.sSize], dword 48 ; struct size mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.style], dword 0 ; style mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.wndProc], wndproc ; window proc mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.clsExtra], dword 0 mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.wndExtra], dword 0 mov eax, dword [hInst] mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.hInstance], eax ; handle mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.hIcon], dword 0 mov eax, dword [hCursor] mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.hCursor], eax mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.background], dword 0 mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.sMenuName], dword 0 mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.sClassName], className ; class name mov dword [wndClass + WNDCLASSEX.hIconSm], dword 0 push wndClass call [RegisterClassExA] call near sprawdz_blad ; check return value of RegisterClassExA push 0 ; param push dword [hInst] ; handle push 0 ;hMenu push 0 ;parent push 200 ;height push 200 ;width push 200 ;y push 200 ;x push 0 ;style push className ;window name push className ;window class push 0 ;extended style call [CreateWindowExA] push eax call near sprawdz_blad ;check return value of CreateWindowExA. RETURNS 0 push 0 call [ExitProcess] wndproc: ; HERE I NEED ACCESS TO WINDOW PROC PARAMETERS: HWND, MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM ; I TRIED: pop eax pop ebx pop ecx pop edx ; BUT IT DOESN'T WORK ; THERE ARE NOT RIGHT VALUES IN THESE REGISTRIES ret box: push 0 push blad push blad push 0 call [MessageBoxA] ret sprawdz_blad: pop eax cmp eax, 0 jne ok ; if function returns 0 everything is allright push 0 push blad push blad push 0 call [MessageBoxA] push 1 call [ExitProcess] ok: ret
我試圖讓它工作幾個小時,但我沒有想法。 請幫忙。 邁克爾的問候。
請告訴我不工作?發生了什麼,什麼不會發生? – eandersson
在調用CreateWindow之後,系統會調用wndproc。直到它不返回DefWindowProc,CreateWindow返回0.但是爲了調用DefWindowProc我需要訪問wndproc參數。 – micnyk