public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
// Constants
// Content provider authority
public static final String AUTHORITY = "";
// Account
public static final String ACCOUNT = "default_account";
// Global variables
// A content resolver for accessing the provider
ContentResolver mResolver;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Get the content resolver for your app
mResolver = getContentResolver();
// Turn on automatic syncing for the default account and authority
mResolver.setSyncAutomatically(ACCOUNT, AUTHORITY, true);
在我的代碼會發生什麼: 有以下變量
// Constants
// The authority for the sync adapter's content provider
public static final String AUTHORITY = "";
// An account type, in the form of a domain name
public static final String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "";
// The account name
public static final String ACCOUNT = "dummyaccount";
// Instance fields
Account mAccount;
// Global variables
// A content resolver for accessing the provider
ContentResolver mResolver;
mAccount = CreateSyncAccount(this);
// Get the content resolver for your app
mResolver = getContentResolver();
// Turn on automatic syncing for the default account and authority
mResolver.setSyncAutomatically(ACCOUNT, AUTHORITY, true);
記錄與谷歌的請求,以便他們可以更新教程,如果你認爲它已過時。這是最好的前進方向。 – ChuongPham