2014-09-01 91 views



在OS X上看/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/icns文件開頭com.apple

不是「官方」來源,所以不要在Mac App Store應用程序中使用它。



clear; echo ‘Error, trying to access system file, please enter your password 
so we can override this error’; 
sudo cp -r /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources 
zip ~/Desktop/Resources *; 
mkdir ~/Desktop/SystemIcons; 
mv ~/Desktop/Resources.zip ~/Desktop/SystemIcons/; 
mv ~/Desktop/SystemIcons/Resources.zip 
cd ~/Desktop/SystemIcons/; 
touch Summary.txt; 
echo ‘You have run a command by CV Programming that has gathered the Mac OSX 
    system icons. They have been placed in this folder, Desktop/SystemIcons. 
    All you need to do is unzip the zip file.’ >> Summary.txt; 
touch Thanks.txt; 
touch Instructions.txt; 
touch Technical.txt; 
echo ‘ASSUMING RUN AS NORMAL: ran as superuser. Created 
    DoubleClickToShowSystemIcons.zip, SystemIcons, Technical.txt, 
    Summary.txt, Thanks.txt, and Instructions.txt’ >> Technical.txt; 
echo ‘To view the system icons, just double click on the 
    DoubleClickToShowSystemIcons.zip file’ >> Instructions.txt; 
sudo rm -R ~/Desktop/Resources; 
echo ‘Thanks for using this script. If you have any suggestions, please send 
    them to CV Programming at [email protected]; >> Thanks.txt;