這裏是的jsfiddle,我想它,這樣如果單擊X,我想刪除了李的「d」和「C」,讓「B」和「E」完整: jsfiddle.net/2t0xrv8c/2
$(document).on('click', '.delete-from-heading', function() {
var articleId = $(this).closest('.c-cont').attr("data-article");
var crumbId = $(this).closest('li').attr("heading");
//if the current LI doesn't have children, let's delete it, along with all parents that don't have children
//for each parent li
$(this).parents('li').each(function(index) {
// check to see if it has children LI's
//The current LI has children, so let's just remove the delete button
<div class="crumb-cont" tree="0"><h5>NOTES</h5>
<li heading="40845" parent="0">
<div class="">METHODS </div>
<li heading="41896" parent="40845">
<div class="">Immune cell types</div>
<li heading="41356" parent="41896" class="assigned">
<div>1. B cell analyses ***KEEPER review of this section done<span class="delete-from-heading tooltip-top" title="Remove article from this heading"></span></div>
<li heading="41358" parent="41356">
<div>Assays using different in vitro methods of manipulating B cells</div>
<li heading="41360" parent="41358" class="assigned">
<div>Combination of methods or applicable to multiple methods<span class="delete-from-heading tooltip-top" title="Remove article from this heading"></span></div>
您的描述是一團糟!請清楚。 – void
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