<html lang="en" >
<title>Shy Music Booking Confirmation</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="music.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="form">
<header><h1>Shy Music Private Lessons</h1></header>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addtext()
var userName = document.booking.userName.value;
var userDate = document.booking.userDate.value;
var userTime = document.booking.userTime.value;
var userEmail = document.booking.userEmail.value;
document.writeln("Thank you! You have just entered the following:");
document.writeln("Name: " + userName);
document.writeln("Date: " + userDate);
document.writeln("Time: " + userTime);
<form name="booking">
<h1>Book a Slot Here!</h1>
<label for="userName">Name: <br><input type = "text" name = "userName"></label> <br><br>
<label for="userEmail">E-mail Address: <br><input type = "email" name = "userEmail"></label><br><br>
<label for="userPhone">Phone Number: <br><input type = "tel" name = "userPhone"> </label><br><br>
<label for="userInstrument">Instrument:
<label for="userTime">
Preffered Time:
<label for="userDate">Date: <br><input type = "date" name = "userDate"></label><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" >
<form action="#">
<input type="button" value = "Back" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" />
嘗試使用'document.write'以外的內容來顯示您的信息。 – 0x499602D2 2013-04-21 19:52:27
我還應該使用什麼? – tserran 2013-04-21 20:14:04
爲輸出創建一個HTML元素並給它一個id。然後在函數中執行'document.getElementById(element_id).innerHTML = [text]'。 – 0x499602D2 2013-04-21 20:16:03