class parent
virtual AnotherType AnotherType {get;set;}
virtual TypeA TypeA {get;set;}
virtual IList<TypeB> TypeBs {get;set;}
class TypeA
virtual TypeC TypeC {get;set;}
class TypeB
virtual TypeD TypeD {get;set;}
select p.*
from parent p
join typea a on a.parentid = p.parentid
join typeb b on b.parentid = p.parentid
join typec c on c.typeaid = c.typeaid
join typed d on d.typebid = d.typebid
where p.AnotherType.id = "someid"
and c.foo == "foo"
and d.bar == "bar"
Session.QueryOver(() => parent)
.joinalias(() => parent.TypeA,() => typea)
.joinalias(() => typea.TypeC,() => typec)
.joinalias(() => parent.TypeB,() => typeb)
.joinalias(() => typeb.TypeD,() => typed)
.where(() => parent.AnotherType.id == "someid")
.and(() => typec.foo == "foo")
.and(() => typed.bar == "bar).Future<parent>.ToArray();