2017-09-27 40 views
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package javaapplication19; 

import java.util.Scanner; 

* @author joshu 
public class JavaApplication19 { 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // also please don't block me this is my second time using this site 

    System.out.println("// SALES_TAX////////////////////////////////////"); 
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 
    String emailAddress; 
    double itemPrice, itemAmount, SALES_TAX; 

    System.out.println("How many item will you like to buy?"); 
    itemAmount = input.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.println("What is the price of the item?"); 
    itemPrice = input.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.println("Enter sales tax rate: "); 
    SALES_TAX = input.nextDouble(); 

    final Double SalesTaxRate = SALES_TAX * itemPrice; 
    double totalprice = SalesTaxRate + (itemPrice * itemAmount); 

    emailAddress = input.nextLine(); 
    System.out.println("Please enter emailAddress"); 
    emailAddress = input.nextLine(); 

    System.out.printf("Your total price is: $ %1.2f" + " a copy of this invoice" 
    + " will be emailed to: %s\n", 




所以你調試到代碼?它的行爲方式與您期望的不同? –


即時通訊初學者,所以我仍然在學習,所以我不知道這是我的代碼或我的百分比編寫方式的問題,因爲我試圖讓百分之百的稅率加倍價格 –


我看到的一件事 - 重新將SalesTaxRate添加到價格*金額;所以稅款只收取一次。 – theGleep




final Double SalesTaxRate = SALES_TAX * itemPrice; 
double totalprice = SalesTaxRate + (itemPrice * itemAmount); 




//gets the percentage of the item, and then adds the item price 
    final Double SalesTaxRate = itemPrice + (itemPrice * (SALES_TAX/100)); 

//simply multiply the new price by the amount required 
     double totalprice = SalesTaxRate * itemAmount; 

如果您這樣做,您可能需要更改'SalesTaxRate'的名稱。 – EJoshuaS


命名是一個全方位的問題! – notyou