2015-05-19 88 views



    "zip_code": "90210", 
    "coverage": "3", 
    "plans": [ 
      "carrier": "SOMEGUY", 
      "deductible": "50", 
      "enrollment_fee": "25.00", 
      "id": "1234", 
      "max_benefit": "1200", 
      "name": "PPO 1234", 
      "network": true, 
      "ortho": true, 
      "ppo": true, 
      "type": "DEN", 
      "vision": false, 
      "program_number": "123456", 
      "area_factor": "7", 
      "rates": [ 
        "tier": "1", 
        "rate": "29.49" 
        "tier": "2", 
        "rate": "58.97" 
        "tier": "3", 
        "rate": "94.35" 
      "state": "CA" 
    "account": { 
     "first_name": "Joe", 
     "middle_initial": "T", 
     "last_name": "Plumber", 
     "address1": "123 Plumber St", 
     "city": "Beverly Hills", 
     "state": "CA", 
     "zip_code": "90210", 
     "home_phone": "555-233-1234", 
     "work_phone": "555-233-1234", 
     "email": "[email protected]", 
     "gender": "M", 
     "birth_date": "1987-09-04", 
     "marital_status": "M", 
     "dependents": [ 
       "first_name": "Mario", 
       "last_name": "Plumber", 
       "birth_date": "2011-02-16", 
       "gender": "M", 
       "type": "CH" 
       "first_name": "Luigi", 
       "last_name": "Plumber", 
       "birth_date": "2012-05-04", 
       "gender": "M", 
       "type": "CH" 
       "first_name": "Daisy", 
       "last_name": "Plumber", 
       "birth_date": "1987-08-03", 
       "gender": "F", 
       "type": "SP" 
     "credit_card": { 
      "account_number": "1111222233334444", 
      "billing_frequency": "M", 
      "card_type": "V", 
      "expiration": "01/2018" 




namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\PlanType; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\AccountType; 

class EnrollType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('zipCode' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Zip Code')) 
      ->add('birthDate' , 'date' , array(
       'widget' => 'single_text', 
       'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 
       'label' => 'Date of Birth', 
       'input' => 'datetime')) 
      ->add('effectiveDate' , 'date' , array(
       'widget' => 'single_text', 
       'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 
       'label' => 'Effective Date', 
       'input' => 'datetime')) 
      ->add('coverage', 'choice', array(
       'choices' => array(1 => 'Individual', 2 => 'Individual and Spouse', 3 => 'Individual, Spouse, and Child(ren)', 5 => 'Individual and Children', 6 => 'Individual and Child'), 
       'label' => 'Coverage', 
      ->add('plans' , 'collection', array(
       'type' => new PlanType(), 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 
      ->add('account', 'collection', array(
       'type' => new AccountType(), 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 
      'data_class' => 'DB\Bundle\Entity\Quote', 

    public function getName() 
     return 'quote'; 

namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\RatesType; 

class PlanType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('carrier' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Carrier')) 
      ->add('deductible' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Deductible')) 
      ->add('enrollmentFee' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Enrollment Fee')) 
      ->add('id' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Plan ID')) 
      ->add('maxBenefit' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Max Benefit')) 
      ->add('name' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Plan Name')) 
      ->add('network' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Network Prefered')) 
      ->add('ortho' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Ortho Coverage')) 
      ->add('ppo' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'PPO')) 
      ->add('rate' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Rate')) 
      ->add('type' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Plan Type')) 
      ->add('vision' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Vision Plan')) 
      ->add('deductible' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Deductible')) 
      ->add('programNumber' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Program Number')) 
      ->add('areaFactor' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Area Factor')) 
      ->add('state' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'State')) 
      ->add('rates' , 'collection', array(
       'type' => new RatesType(), 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 
      'data_class' => 'DB\Bundle\Entity\Plan', 

    public function getName() 
     return 'plans'; 

namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 

class RatesType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('tier' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Tier')) 
      ->add('rate' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Rate')); 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 

    public function getName() 
     return 'rates'; 

namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\CreditCardType; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\EBTType; 
use DB\Bundle\Form\Type\DependentType; 

class AccountType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('firstName' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'First Name')) 
      ->add('middleInitial' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Middle Initial')) 
      ->add('lastName' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Last Name')) 
      ->add('address1' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Address Line 1')) 
      ->add('address2' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Address Line 2', 
       'required' => false)) 
      ->add('city' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'City')) 
      ->add('state' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'State')) 
      ->add('zipCode' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Ortho Coverage')) 
      ->add('homePhone' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Home Phone')) 
      ->add('workPhone' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Work Phone')) 
      ->add('email' , 'email' , array(
       'label' => 'Email')) 
      ->add('gender' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female'), 
       'label' => 'Gender')) 
      ->add('birthDate' , 'date' , array(
       'widget' => 'single_text', 
       'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 
       'label' => 'Date of Birth', 
       'input' => 'datetime')) 
      ->add('maritalStatus' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('S' => 'Single', 'M' => 'Married', 'D' => 'Divorced', 'W' => 'Widowed'), 
       'label' => 'Marital Status')) 
      ->add('creditCard' , 'collection', array(
       'type' => new CreditCardType(), 
       'required' => false, 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 
      ->add('ebt' , 'collection', array(
       'type' => new EBTType(), 
       'required' => false, 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 
      ->add('dependents' , 'collection', array(
       'type' => new DependentType(), 
       'required' => false, 
       'by_reference' => false, 
       'allow_add' => true 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 
      'data_class' => 'DB\Bundle\Entity\Account', 

    public function getName() 
     return 'account'; 

namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 

class CreditCardType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('accountNumber' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Card Number')) 
      ->add('billingFrequency' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('M' => 'Monthly'), 
       'label' => 'Billing Frequency')) 
      ->add('cardType' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('V' => 'Visa', 'M' => 'MasterCard', 'D' => 'Discover'), 
       'label' => 'Card Type')) 
      ->add('expiration' , 'date' , array(
       'widget' => 'single_text', 
       'format' => 'MM-yyyy d', 
       'years' => range(date('Y'), date('Y')+12), 
       'days' => array(1), 
       'label' => 'Expiration Date', 
       'input' => 'datetime')); 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 
      'data_class' => 'DB\Bundle\Entity\CreditCard', 

    public function getName() 
     return 'ceditCard'; 

namespace DB\Bundle\Form\Type; 

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType; 
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; 
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface; 

class DependentType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
      ->add('firstName' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'First Name')) 
      ->add('lastName' , 'text' , array(
       'label' => 'Last Name')) 
      ->add('birthDate' , 'date' , array(
       'widget' => 'single_text', 
       'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd', 
       'label' => 'Date of Birth', 
       'input' => 'datetime')) 
      ->add('gender' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female'), 
       'label' => 'Gender')) 
      ->add('type' , 'choice' , array(
       'choices' => array('CH' => 'Child', 'SP' => 'Spouse'), 
       'label' => 'Dependent Type')); 

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) 
      'data_class' => 'DB\Bundle\Entity\Dependent', 

    public function getName() 
     return 'dependents'; 

看看http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/forms/types/entity.html –


@JohnCartwright我做了,但我不認爲它會完成我想要的。看起來是一種在選擇字段中從數據庫中列出一系列實體的方法。這裏沒有什麼可以列出的,而是我正在接受一個新的實體。 – Squeegy


對不起,我誤解了。 @ user1777136的答案在下面是你想要的。 –




class EnrollType extends AbstractType 
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) 
     // ... all your form fields ... 
     $builder->add('account', new AccountType()); 



非常感謝!它像一個魅力。 – Squeegy