2017-03-01 36 views


package test.project; 

import java.util.Scanner; 

* @author XXXXXXX 
public class TESTPROJECT { 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO code application logic here 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);   
     System.out.print("Enter a year: "); 
     int year = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter month (first three letters with the first letter in upper case): "); 
     String month = input.next(); 

    if (month.equals("Jan")){ 
    System.out.print("Jan " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Feb")){ 
    System.out.print("Feb " + year); 
     if (year%4==0&&(year%100!=0||year%400==0)) 
    {System.out.print(" has 29 days."); 
     if (year%4!=0&&(year%100==0||year%400!=0)) 
    {System.out.print(" has 28 days.");}} 
    if (month.equals("Mar")){ 
    System.out.print("Mar " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Apr")){ 
    System.out.print("Apr " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 30 days."); 
    if (month.equals("May")){ 
    System.out.print("May " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Jun")){ 
    System.out.print("Jun " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 30 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Jul")){ 
    System.out.print("Jul " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Aug")){ 
    System.out.print("August " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Sep")){ 
    System.out.print("Sep " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 30 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Oct")){ 
    System.out.print("Oct " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Nov")){ 
    System.out.print("Nov " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 30 days."); 
    if (month.equals("Dec")){ 
    System.out.print("Dec " + year); 
    System.out.print(" has 31 days."); 




您的文章**是**區分大小寫。不確定你在問什麼。 –


要查看您的代碼是否正確,請先自己測試一下。如果它工作,很好,但也許繼續測試它。如果你的當前輸出與你想要的輸出不匹配,並且你不知道爲什麼,那麼是時候開始調試了。如果你不確定如何去做這件事,那麼請看看:[如何調試小程序](http://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-程式/)。 –


當我測試它。它仍然輸出,即使我輸入jan而不是1月。我正在嘗試查看是否缺少某些東西。 **等待!有用。對不起!** –




if (month.equals("Feb") || month.equals("feb")){ 
     System.out.print("Feb " + year); 

這樣的工作假設它是隻有區分大小寫的第一個字母。 ||表示輸入是指「Feb」還是「feb」。你可以繼續使用它,爲每個不同的例子,直到他們沒有其他可能的選項,feb,FeB,fEb等...


謝謝。我再次運行該程序並放入Jan和Jan(所有月份都一樣),並且在小寫時不打印。好哇! –


請不要忘記更喜歡答案,如果它解決了你的問題。 – HelloWorld