2013-04-10 69 views




# Define the root logger with appender file 
log = /usr/home/log4j 
log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, FILE 

# Define the file appender 

# Define the layout for file appender 



public class test { 
    static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(test.class.getName()); 

    public static void func(String url1, String url2) throws InterruptedException { 
     Threqad.sleep(100000000); // Here is some process that performs recursively 
     log.info(url1 + "\n" + url2 + "\n"+ ((double)loading_time)/((double)1000)+ " seconds " + ((double)parsing_time)/((double)1000) + " seconds " + ((double)processing_time)/((double)1000) + " seconds\n\n\n\n"); 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ 
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { func("ANY URL1", "ANY URL2"); } 


Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 105[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 105 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"desiredCapabilities":{"platform":"ANY","browserName":"firefox","version":""},"requiredCapabilities":{}}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other[\r][\n]" 
<< "location:[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 0[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:11 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 303 See Other 
<< HTTP/1.1 303 See Other 
<< location: 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 0 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:11 GMT 
Redirect requested to location '' 
Redirecting to '' via {}-> 
Connection<-> closed 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 2 to execute request 
Sending request: GET /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38 HTTP/1.1 
>> "GET /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38 HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> GET /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38 HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 462[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:11 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 462 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:11 GMT 
<< "{"name":"getSessionCapabilities","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":{"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"browserName":"firefox","handlesAlerts":true,"javascriptEnabled":true,"nativeEvents":true,"platform":"WINNT","rotatable":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"version":"20.0","webStorageEnabled":true,"applicationCacheEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":true,"locationContextEnabled":true,"browserConnectionEnabled":true,"acceptSslCerts":true}}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/url HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/url HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 74[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/url HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 74 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"url":"http://www.jabong.com/men/shoes/men-loafers/?source=home-leftnav"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 87[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:21 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 87 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:21 GMT 
<< "{"name":"get","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":""}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,250)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:34 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:34 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,200)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:34 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:34 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,200)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:36 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:36 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,200)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:36 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:36 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,200)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:40 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:40 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 
>> "[\r][\n]" 
>> POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> Accept: application/json, image/png 
>> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
>> Content-Length: 47 
>> Host: 
>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>> "{"args":[""],"script":"window.scrollBy(0,200)"}" 
<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]" 
<< "connection: close[\r][\n]" 
<< "content-length: 99[\r][\n]" 
<< "server: httpd.js[\r][\n]" 
<< "date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:40 GMT[\r][\n]" 
<< "[\r][\n]" 
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
<< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 
<< connection: close 
<< content-length: 99 
<< server: httpd.js 
<< date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:43:40 GMT 
<< "{"name":"executeScript","sessionId":"bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38","status":0,"value":null}" 
Connection<-> shut down 
Released connection is not reusable. 
Releasing connection [{}->][null] 
Connection<-> closed 
Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads 
Get connection: {}->, timeout = 120000 
[{}->] total kept alive: 0, total issued: 0, total allocated: 0 out of 2000 
No free connections [{}->][null] 
Available capacity: 2000 out of 2000 [{}->][null] 
Creating new connection [{}->] 
Connecting to 
CookieSpec selected: best-match 
Auth cache not set in the context 
Target auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Proxy auth state: UNCHALLENGED 
Attempt 1 to execute request 
Sending request: POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1 
>> "POST /hub/session/bfaec653-501a-401c-9b6a-227341e1fe38/execute HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" 
>> "Accept: application/json, image/png[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" 
>> "Content-Length: 47[\r][\n]" 
>> "Host:[\r][\n]" 
>> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" 

您顯示的輸出不是來自您發佈的代碼。 – 2013-04-10 18:59:34


我使用硒來獲取頁面,可能是因爲這個日誌。我認爲。 – devsda 2013-04-10 19:03:20



您設置rootLoggerDEBUG,這意味着調試使用Log4J的所有庫將記錄其調試語句。這可能是你與評論替代代碼的一部分// Here is some process that performs recursively

它可能是更好的rootLogger配置登錄INFO或更高,並且 - 如果你確實需要調試級日誌 - 配置記錄這個特定包DEBUG,使用:

log4j.rootLogger = INFO, FILE 
log4j.some.package = DEBUG 



謝謝,問題解決了:) – devsda 2013-04-10 19:45:38


我可以問一個問題嗎? – devsda 2013-04-11 09:41:40


你總是可以提出一個問題,但你應該考慮你是否不應該只是創建一個新的問題。 – 2013-04-11 10:43:41