我對Arduino非常陌生。我有更多的Java和ActionScript 3的使用經驗。我正在從Arduino Uno和TAOS TSL235R光 - 頻轉換器中構建一個光表。對於基於Arduino Sketch的照度計,「循環」以外的功能不會被觸發/觸發
有三個部分:這是該系列的第一個教程Arduino and the Taos TSL230R Light Sensor: Getting Started。
攝影轉換:Arduino and the TSL230R: Photographic Conversions。首先,我可以返回由TSL235R傳感器創建的頻率值,但是一旦我嘗試添加攝影轉換代碼,我只返回零,並且沒有任何主環路以外的功能看起來像火災因爲我的Serial.Println()
我的Arduino Sketch:
// TSL230R Pin Definitions
#define TSL_FREQ_PIN 2
// Our pulse counter for our interrupt
unsigned long pulse_cnt = 0;
// How often to calculate frequency
// 1000 ms = 1 second
#define READ_TM 1000
// Two variables used to track time
unsigned long cur_tm = millis();
unsigned long pre_tm = cur_tm;
// We'll need to access the amount of time passed
unsigned int tm_diff = 0;
unsigned long frequency;
unsigned long freq;
float lux;
float Bv;
float Sv;
// Set our frequency multiplier to a default of 1
// which maps to output frequency scaling of 100x.
int freq_mult = 100;
// We need to measure what to divide the frequency by:
// 1x sensitivity = 10,
// 10x sensitivity = 100,
// 100x sensitivity = 1000
int calc_sensitivity = 10;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(0, add_pulse, RISING); // Attach interrupt to pin2.
pinMode(TSL_FREQ_PIN, INPUT); //Send output pin to Arduino
Serial.begin(9600); //Start the serial connection with the copmuter.
void loop(){
// Check the value of the light sensor every READ_TM ms and
// calculate how much time has passed.
pre_tm = cur_tm;
cur_tm = millis();
if(cur_tm > pre_tm) {
tm_diff += cur_tm - pre_tm;
if(cur_tm < pre_tm) {
// Handle overflow and rollover (Arduino 011)
tm_diff += (cur_tm + (34359737 - pre_tm));
// If enough time has passed to do a new reading...
if (tm_diff >= READ_TM) {
// Reset the ms counter
tm_diff = 0;
// Get our current frequency reading
frequency = get_tsl_freq();
// Calculate radiant energy
float uw_cm2 = calc_uwatt_cm2(frequency);
// Calculate illuminance
float lux = calc_lux_single(uw_cm2, 0.175);
} //Loop
unsigned long get_tsl_freq() {
// We have to scale out the frequency --
// Scaling on the TSL230R requires us to multiply by a factor
// to get actual frequency.
unsigned long freq = pulse_cnt * 100;
// Reset pulse counter
pulse_cnt = 0;
} //get_tsl_freq
void add_pulse() {
// Increase pulse count
float calc_lux_single(float uw_cm2, float efficiency) {
// Calculate lux (lm/m^2), using standard formula
// Xv = Xl * V(l) * Km
// where Xl is W/m^2 (calculate actual received uW/cm^2, extrapolate from sensor size
// to whole cm size, then convert uW to W),
// V(l) = efficiency function (provided via argument) and
// Km = constant, lm/W @ 555 nm = 683 (555 nm has efficiency function of nearly 1.0).
// Only a single wavelength is calculated - you'd better make sure that your
// source is of a single wavelength... Otherwise, you should be using
// calc_lux_gauss() for multiple wavelengths.
// Convert to w_m2
float w_m2 = (uw_cm2/(float) 1000000) * (float) 100;
// Calculate lux
float lux = w_m2 * efficiency * (float) 683;
Serial.println("Get lux");
} //lux_single
float calc_uwatt_cm2(unsigned long freq) {
// Get uW observed - assume 640 nm wavelength.
// Note the divide-by factor of ten -
// maps to a sensitivity of 1x.
float uw_cm2 = (float) freq/(float) 10;
// Extrapolate into the entire cm2 area
uw_cm2 *= ((float) 1/(float) 0.0136);
Serial.println("Get uw_cm2");
} //calc_uwatt
float calc_ev(float lux, int iso) {
// Calculate EV using the APEX method:
// Ev = Av + Tv = Bv + Sv
// We'll use the right-hand side for this operation:
// Bv = log2(B/NK)
// Sv = log2(NSx)
float Sv = log((float) 0.3 * (float) iso)/log(2);
float Bv = log(lux/((float) 0.3 * (float) 14))/log(2);
return(Bv + Sv);
Serial.println("get Bv+Sv");
float calc_exp_tm (float ev, float aperture ) {
// Ev = Av + Tv = Bv + Sv
// need to determine Tv value, so Ev - Av = Tv
// Av = log2(Aperture^2)
// Tv = log2(1/T) = log2(T) = 2^(Ev - Av)
float exp_tm = ev - (log(pow(aperture, 2))/log(2));
float exp_log = pow(2, exp_tm);
return(exp_log );
Serial.println("get exp_log");
unsigned int calc_exp_ms(float exp_tm) {
unsigned int cur_exp_tm = 0;
// Calculate mS of exposure, given a divisor exposure time.
if (exp_tm >= 2) {
// Deal with times less than or equal to half a second
if (exp_tm >= (float) int(exp_tm) + (float) 0.5) {
// Round up
exp_tm = int(exp_tm) + 1;
else {
// Round down
exp_tm = int(exp_tm);
cur_exp_tm = 1000/exp_tm;
else if(exp_tm >= 1) {
// Deal with times larger than 1/2 second
float disp_v = 1/exp_tm;
// Get first significant digit
disp_v = int(disp_v * 10);
cur_exp_tm = (1000 * disp_v)/10;
else {
// Times larger than 1 second
int disp_v = int((float) 1/exp_tm);
cur_exp_tm = 1000 * disp_v;
Serial.println("get cur_exp_tm");
float calc_exp_aperture(float ev, float exp_tm) {
float exp_apt = ev - (log((float) 1/exp_tm)/log(2));
float apt_log = pow(2, exp_apt);
Serial.println("get apt_log");
謝謝。這使事情變得更加清晰。另外,我做了一些全局變量,因爲草圖會拋出一個「不在此範圍內定義」的錯誤,如果我沒有出於某種原因,即使我讀的教程讓他們當地 – 2012-03-12 07:33:21
我不認爲我是新來的C++ 。我拿一本書,對於C++,我要在這個小實驗工作,併發布一份進展報告時,我已經取得了一些。感謝您的時間r_ahlskog。任何其他的建議是隨時歡迎 – 2012-03-12 07:54:15
@JosephAaronCampbell你已經做得很好了沒多少C++背景,它不是語言的容易結束。而且有件事情我還沒有在我的回答感動了,如果你看一下#2我想你會發現一些建議閱讀資源,甚至可能是免費的。您可能遇到的問題是在內部範圍內聲明變量,並試圖在變量之外使用它們。我總是盡力幫助那些付出努力的人。 – 2012-03-12 08:44:42