這裏是一個函數 - 實質上是一個gregexpr()
的包裝 - 它將捕獲單個字符串中的多個引用。
extractMatches <- function(data, pattern) {
start <- gregexpr(pattern, data)[[1]]
stop <- start + attr(start, "match.length") - 1
if(-1 %in% start) {
"" ## **Note** you could return NULL if there are no matches
} else {
mapply(substr, start, stop, MoreArgs = list(x = data))
data <- list("a sentence with citation (Ref. 12), (Ref. 13), and then (Ref. 14)",
"another sentence without reference")
pat <- "Ref. (\\d+)"
res <- lapply(data, extractMatches, pattern = pat)
# [[1]]
# [1] "Ref. 12" "Ref. 13" "Ref. 14"
# [[2]]
# [1] ""
時,有一個字符串的參考,那麼你可以後期處理與do.call("c", res)
不錯。我認爲這必須在其他地方實施。 (同樣有趣的是,'str_extract_all'接着調用'str_locate_all',它調用're_mapply(「gregexpr」,string,pattern)' - 就像我能想象的那樣,我的函數的僞代碼概要很好)。 – 2012-04-18 18:55:11