2015-09-05 65 views

我安裝了RhoMobileSuite 5.2.2。我在rhomobile.com有一個常規賬戶。在Rhostudio中構建Windows CE應用程序

當我嘗試運行與運行配置(的Windows Mobile/Windows CE外)的應用程序不工作,我得到這個錯誤:

PWD: C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\store 
CMD: rake run:wm 
rake aborted! 
Exception: Could not build licensed features 

Tasks: TOP => run:wm => config:wm => config:common 
(See full trace by running task with --trace) 
-$TIME$- message [ First timestamp ] time is { 2015-09-05T10:52:55Z } milliseconds from start (0) 
Connecting to rhomobile.com 
Starting rhodes build system using ruby version: 1.9.3 
-$TIME$- message [ config:common ] time is { 2015-09-05T10:53:02Z } milliseconds from start (6820) 
Connecting to rhomobile.com 
**** NOTE: You use sdk parameter in build.yml **************************************************************** 
    To use latest Rhodes gem, run migrate-rhodes-app in application folder or comment sdk in build.yml. 
**** ERROR: Could not build licensed features. *************************************************************** 
    You have free subscription on rhomobile.com. RhoElements features are available only for paid accounts. 
    The following features are only available in RhoElements v2 and above: 
    - Barcode extension 
    - Indicators extension 
    - HardwareKeys extension 
    - CardReader extension 
    - Signature Capture 
    - Windows Mobile/Windows CE platform support 
    - Symbol device capabilities 
    - Symbol WebKit Browser 
    For more information go to rhomobile website 
    In order to upgrade your account please log in to https://rms.rhomobile.com 
    Select "change plan" menu item in your profile settings. 

我有Windows 7旗艦版&的Visual Studio 2013的最終版

我可以運行在iPhone上用rhostudio應用程序,Android和贏得32 rhosimulator

任何幫助嗎? `



首先,要構建Windows CE/Windows Mobile應用程序,您需要Visual Studio 2008,這是支持這些操作系統的最新Visual Studio版本。

我已經做了一個快速測試,它適用於我使用RMS v5.2.2和Visual Studio 2008(加上WM6.5.3 SDK和適用於Windows CE的Symbol MC3000 PSDK支持,you can find the detailed setup on RMS documentation)。

如果您要將項目從以前的RMS版本移動到最新版本,請務必首先執行rake clean:<your target platform>作爲第一步。

編輯:忘了提及Windows Mobile/Windows CE支持需要付費許可的非常重要的事情。你可以從RhoMobile website得到更多的信息,並在API列表中查看,everything linked to Windows Mobile/Windows CE is marked as a paid feature


感謝您的回覆,但它始終無法正常工作:我卸載了VS 2013,並且我安裝了VS 2008,但它總是無法運行,我認爲該文檔已過時,能否幫助我更多先生,我問我是否可以收到你的電子郵件? – Dehmane


你只需要檢查你是否已經安裝了所有[需求](http://docs.rhomobile.com/en/5.2.2/guide/nativesdksetup#setup-for-windows-mobile),並且你有至少Silver RhoMobile許可證。因爲[Windows Mobile/Windows CE支持需要付費許可證](http://rhomobile.com/pricing/)。 – pfmaggi


謝謝先生,這非常有幫助 – Dehmane
