2016-09-25 50 views

我正在一個項目上工作,我有兩個線程一起運行。該項目是一個模擬銀行,基本上,我們有一個存款線程和一個撤回線程。我遇到的問題是存款線索經常運行,導致銀行賬戶的餘額上升。 (我希望我在真正的生活中遇到過這個問題。)我如何減少線程運行的時間?如何減少線程運行的時間量?


package bankexample; 
import bankexample.depositThread; 

public class BankExample { 

     public static int balance =0 ; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     System.out.println("Deposit Thread   Withdrawl Thread   Balance \n"); 
     System.out.println("--------------   -----------------   --------"); 
     while (true){ 
     Thread d1 = new Thread(new depositThread(1)); 
     Thread d2 = new Thread(new depositThread(2)); 
     Thread d3 = new Thread(new depositThread(3)); 
     Thread w1 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(1)); 
     Thread w2 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(2)); 
     Thread w3 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(3)); 
     Thread w4 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(4)); 





package bankexample; 

* @author KJ4CC 
public class WithdrawThread implements Runnable { 
    transaction withdraw = new transaction(); 
    int threadNum; 
    public WithdrawThread(int num){ 
     threadNum = num; 

    public void run(){ 

package bankexample; 
import bankexample.transaction; 

* @author KJ4CC 
public class depositThread implements Runnable { 
    transaction startThread = new transaction(); 
    public static int balance; 
    int threadNum; 
    public depositThread(int num){ 
     threadNum = num; 

    public void run(){ 

     try { 

     } catch (Exception e) { 




package bankexample; 
import java.util.Random; 
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; 
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; 
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; 
import java.util.logging.Level; 
import java.util.logging.Logger; 
* @author KJ4CC 
public class transaction extends BankExample { 

    private Lock accessLock = new ReentrantLock(); 
    private Condition cond = accessLock.newCondition(); 
    private boolean occupied = false; 
    Random rand = new Random(); 

    public void deposit(int threadNum) throws InterruptedException{ 
     //random amount for amount to deposit into bank mod 200 
     int amount = rand.nextInt(200); 

     //locks the thread 
     //System.out.println("Balance before Deposit " + balance); 
     try { 
      //adds the amount to the balance. 
      if (occupied == false){ 
      occupied = true; 
      balance = (balance + amount); 
      //outputs to terminal 
      System.out.println("Thread " + threadNum + " Deposits " + amount + "\t\t\t\t Balance is " + balance); 
      occupied = false; 
      //signals any awiting widthdraw threads 

     } finally { 
      //unlocks thread 


    public void withdraw(int threadNum){ 
     //getting a random amount mod50 
     int amount = rand.nextInt(50); 

     //locking the thread 
     try { 
      //test print out 

      //checks to see if the amount is less than the balance 
      if (amount < balance && occupied == false) { 
       occupied = true; 
       // System.out.println("Balance before withdraw " + balance); 
       balance = (balance - amount); 

       System.out.println("\t\t\tThread " + threadNum + " withdrawls " + amount + "\t Balance is " + balance); 
       occupied = false; 
       //if it isnt we can not make a withdraw so we have to wait for a deposit 
      } else { 

       System.out.println("\t\t\tThread " + threadNum + " Failed to withdrawl " + amount + "\t Balance is " + balance); 

      //unlock the thread 
     } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 
      Logger.getLogger(transaction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); 
     } finally { 


Here is a sample from the output: 
Deposit Thread   Withdrawl Thread   Balance 

--------------   -----------------   -------- 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 4 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 49 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 13 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 30 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 15 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 18 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 25 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 27 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 9 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 0 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 31 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 32 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 47 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 8 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 22 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 38 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 43 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 2 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 19 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 39 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 43 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 48 Balance is 0 
      Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 45 Balance is 0 
      Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 45 Balance is 0 
      Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 25 Balance is 0 
      Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0 
Thread 2 Deposits 188    Balance is 188 
Thread 3 Deposits 128    Balance is 316 
Thread 2 Deposits 54     Balance is 370 
Thread 1 Deposits 123    Balance is 493 
Thread 3 Deposits 59     Balance is 552 
      Thread 1 withdrawls 38 Balance is 514 
      Thread 2 withdrawls 35 Balance is 479 
      Thread 3 withdrawls 40 Balance is 439 
      Thread 4 withdrawls 5 Balance is 434 
Thread 1 Deposits 179    Balance is 613 
Thread 1 Deposits 108    Balance is 1027 
Thread 2 Deposits 56     Balance is 919 
Thread 1 Deposits 96     Balance is 863 
Thread 2 Deposits 101    Balance is 767 
Thread 3 Deposits 149    Balance is 1176 
Thread 3 Deposits 53     Balance is 666 
Thread 2 Deposits 67     Balance is 1277 
Thread 1 Deposits 108    Balance is 1385 
Thread 3 Deposits 34     Balance is 1277 
Thread 2 Deposits 69     Balance is 1466 
Thread 3 Deposits 49     Balance is 1561 
      Thread 4 withdrawls 32 Balance is 1529 
Thread 1 Deposits 12     Balance is 1561 
Thread 2 Deposits 46     Balance is 1561 
Thread 1 Deposits 99     Balance is 15 

您是否必須使用線程?如果你只是想模擬一些隨機事務發生,那麼使用Random類。 –


是的,每次分配我必須使用線程與同步塊。 –





public class WithdrawThread implements Runnable { 

    //creates a new Lock per *Thread* 
    transaction withdraw = new transaction(); 









是的我正在努力獲得int平衡分享,然後我認爲如果我提出了x線程的數量,而不是使循環做新的陰影,我應該把它放在運行方法? –