int OP, NP, first, second, third, blankets, remainder;
printf("How many people are knitting blanket squares at the beginning of the week?\n");
scanf("%d", &OP);
printf("How many new people are knitting blanket squares each day?\n");
scanf("%d", &NP);
first = 1 + NP;
second = pow(first,7);
third = OP * second;
blankets = third/(double)60;
remainder = third - blankets * 60;
printf("%d blanket squares will be made this week!\n", third);
printf("You will be able to make %d blankets and start next week with %d squares.", blankets, remainder);
是.5'int'? –
您應該嘗試的第一件事是在讀取它們之後立即顯示'OP'和'NP'的值:'printf(「OP =%d,NP =%d \ n」,OP,NP);' –
@奧利弗·查爾斯沃斯另一種說法:針織人是否有可能被削減一半?當然(閱讀:我希望)不是。 C不會浪費資源來防止調用未定義行爲的無意義輸入。 –