2011-07-05 82 views



void *build_save(int *size, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, 
     unsigned char bmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], 
     float fvx[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], 
     float fvy[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], sign signs[MAXSIGNS], 
     void* partsptr) 
    unsigned char *d=calloc(1,3*(XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)+(XRES*YRES)*15+MAXSIGNS*262), *c; 
    int i,j,x,y,p=0,*m=calloc(XRES*YRES, sizeof(int)); 
    int bx0=x0/CELL, by0=y0/CELL, bw=(w+CELL-1)/CELL, bh=(h+CELL-1)/CELL; 
    particle *parts = partsptr; 

    // normalize coordinates 
    x0 = bx0*CELL; 
    y0 = by0*CELL; 
    w = bw *CELL; 
    h = bh *CELL; 

    // save the required air state 
    for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++) 
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++) 
     d[p++] = bmap[y][x]; 
    for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++) 
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++) 
     if (bmap[y][x]==WL_FAN||bmap[y][x]==4){ 
    i = (int)(fvx[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f); 
     if (i<0) i=0; 
     if (i>255) i=255; 
     d[p++] = i; 
    for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++) 
    for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++) 
     if (bmap[y][x]==WL_FAN||bmap[y][x]==4){ 
    i = (int)(fvy[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f); 
    if (i<0) i=0; 
    if (i>255) i=255; 
    d[p++] = i; 

    // save the particle map 
    for (i=0; i<NPART; i++) 
    if (parts[i].type) { 
    x = (int)(parts[i].x+0.5f); 
    y = (int)(parts[i].y+0.5f); 
    if (x>=x0 && x<x0+w && y>=y0 && y<y0+h) { 
     if (!m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] || 
      parts[m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w]-1].type == PT_PHOT || 
      parts[m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w]-1].type == PT_NEUT) 
     m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = i+1; 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++) { 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) 
     d[p++] = parts[i-1].type; 
     d[p++] = 0; 

    // save particle properties 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) 
    x = (int)(parts[i].vx*16.0f+127.5f); 
    y = (int)(parts[i].vy*16.0f+127.5f); 
    if (x<0) x=0; 
    if (x>255) x=255; 
    if (y<0) y=0; 
    if (y>255) y=255; 
    d[p++] = x; 
    d[p++] = y; 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Everybody loves a 16bit int 
     //d[p++] = (parts[i-1].life+3)/4; 
     int ttlife = (int)parts[i-1].life; 
     d[p++] = ((ttlife&0xFF00)>>8); 
     d[p++] = (ttlife&0x00FF); 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Now saving tmp! 
     //d[p++] = (parts[i-1].life+3)/4; 
     int tttmp = (int)parts[i-1].tmp; 
     d[p++] = ((tttmp&0xFF00)>>8); 
     d[p++] = (tttmp&0x00FF); 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Save colour (ALPHA) 
     d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0xFF000000)>>24; 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Save colour (RED) 
     d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x00FF0000)>>16; 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Save colour (GREEN) 
     d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x0000FF00)>>8; 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i) { 
     //Save colour (BLUE) 
      d[p++] = (parts[i-1].dcolour&0x000000FF); 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++){ 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i){ 
     // New Temperature saving uses a 16bit unsigned int for 
     // temperatures, giving a precision of 1 degree versus 36 for the old 
     // format 
     int tttemp = (int)parts[i-1].temp; 
     d[p++] = ((tttemp&0xFF00)>>8); 
     d[p++] = (tttemp&0x00FF); 
    for (j=0; j<w*h; j++) { 
    i = m[j]; 
    if (i && (parts[i-1].type==PT_CLNE || parts[i-1].type==PT_PCLN || 
      parts[i-1].type==PT_BCLN || parts[i-1].type==PT_SPRK || 
      parts[i-1].type==PT_LAVA || parts[i-1].type==PT_PIPE)) 
     d[p++] = parts[i-1].ctype; 

    j = 0; 
    for (i=0; i<MAXSIGNS; i++) 
    if (signs[i].text[0] && 
    signs[i].x>=x0 && signs[i].x<x0+w && 
    signs[i].y>=y0 && signs[i].y<y0+h) 
    d[p++] = j; 
    for (i=0; i<MAXSIGNS; i++) 
    if (signs[i].text[0] && 
    signs[i].x>=x0 && signs[i].x<x0+w && 
    signs[i].y>=y0 && signs[i].y<y0+h){ 
     d[p++] = (signs[i].x-x0); 
     d[p++] = (signs[i].x-x0)>>8; 
      d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0); 
     d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0)>>8; 
     d[p++] = signs[i].ju; 
     x = strlen(signs[i].text); 
     d[p++] = x; 
     memcpy(d+p, signs[i].text, x); 

    i = (p*101+99)/100 + 612; 
    c = malloc(i); 

    //New file header uses PSv, replacing fuC. This is to detect if the 
    //client uses a new save format for temperatures 
    //This creates a problem for old clients, that display and "corrupt" 
    //error instead of a "newer version" error 

    c[0] = 0x50; //0x66; 
    c[1] = 0x53; //0x75; 
    c[2] = 0x76; //0x43; 
    c[3] = legacy_enable|((sys_pause<<1)&0x02)|((gravityMode<<2)&0x0C)|((airMode<<4)&0x70)|((ngrav_enable<<7)&0x80); 
    c[4] = SAVE_VERSION; 
    c[5] = CELL; 
    c[6] = bw; 
    c[7] = bh; 
    c[8] = p; 
    c[9] = p >> 8; 
    c[10] = p >> 16; 
    c[11] = p >> 24; 

    i -= 12; 

    if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress((char *)(c+12), (unsigned *)&i, (char *)d, p, 9, 0, 0) != BZ_OK){ 
    return NULL; 

    *size = i+12; 
    return c; 



你必須調用從libbzip2庫 http://www.bzip.org/1.0.6/bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz

這裏的功能BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress是文檔: http://www.bzip.org/1.0.3/html/util-fns.html


#include <malloc.h> 

int size; 
void *buf=build_save(&size, ... add all the parameters ...); 

          DEST, //unsigned int* destLen, 
          buf+12, //char*   source, 
          size-12, //unsigned int sourceLen, 
          int   small, 
          int   verbosity); 

我意識到你沒有提供足夠的信息。 嘗試搜索您的來源爲調用

BZ2_bzDecompressInit (bz_stream *strm, int verbosity, int small); 



詳細程度和小爲0 – Boxmein


然後設置那些爲0在呼叫到解壓縮:BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(目標寄存器, DEST, BUF + 12, 大小-12, 0, 0); – whoplisp
