2015-01-12 52 views

以下是我目前嘗試將AD管理組取名爲「ML ...」等相同名稱的嘗試。我不斷收到錯誤,所以我想知道爲什麼當我可以通過「-eq $ ...」變量過濾managedby時,我無法使用「-like」過濾managedby。我嘗試了一個變量$ name =「ML *」,這樣我就可以執行{managedby -eq $ name},但仍然沒有運氣。由Powershell管理的過濾器


Operator(s): The following: ''Eq', 'Ne'' are the only operator(s) suppor 
ted for searching on extended attribute: 'ManagedBy'. 


Import-Module : The following error occurred while loading the extended type dat 
a file: 
Microsoft.PowerShell, C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ActiveD 
irectory\ActiveDirectory.Types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already pres 
ent from "Microsoft.PowerShell". 
Microsoft.PowerShell, C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ActiveD 
irectory\ActiveDirectory.Types.ps1xml : File skipped because it was already pres 
ent from "Microsoft.PowerShell". 

At J:\\ManagedbyEqualsML.ps1:1 char:14 
+ Import-Module <<<< ActiveDirectory 
+ CategoryInfo   : InvalidOperation: (:) [Import-Module], RuntimeExc 
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : FormatXmlUpateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Comm 

The term 'Get-adgroup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, scri 
pt file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was i 
ncluded, verify that the path is correct and try again. 
At J:\\ManagedbyEqualsML.ps1:53 char:27 
+ $MLgroupAll = Get-adgroup <<<< -Properties managedby, enabled, name -filter 
{managedby -eq $name} 
+ CategoryInfo   : ObjectNotFound: (Get-adgroup:String) [], CommandN 
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException 

這裏是我的代碼,我試圖找到具有該名稱ML *

Import-Module ActiveDirectory 

$name = "ML*" 

#Attempt 1 

$MLgroups = Get-adgroup -Properties managedby, enabled, name -filter * | Select name, managedby 

foreach ($group in $MLgroups){ 

if ($group.managedby -like "ML*"){ 
write-host $group.name + $group.managedby} 


#Attempt 2 

$Mgroups = get-adgroup -Properties name, managedby -filter * 
foreach ($groups in $Mgroups){ 
     # here get the group name and use the "managedBy attribute to retrieve the user object 
     # grou naem 
     $gname = $_.Name 
     $manager=Get-AdUser $_.ManagedBy 
     $MangerName = $manager.DisplayName 

     if ($managerName -like "ML*"){ 
     write-host $gname + $managerName} 


#Attempt 3 

$exportlist = "C:\Temp\managedby.txt" 

Clear-Content $exportlist 

$Header = ` 
"Group ID Name" + "|" + "ManagedBy" 

$Header | Out-File $exportlist -Append 

$list = get-adgroup -properties name, managedby -filter {managedby -like "ML_*"} ` 
| Select name, managedby | Export-CSV $exportlist -NoType -Delimiter '|' 

#Attempt 4 

$MLgroupAll = Get-adgroup -Properties managedby, enabled, name -filter {managedby -like $name} 
foreach ($group in $MLgroupAll) { 

write-host $group.name + $group.managedby} 


$MLgroupAll = get-adgroup -Properties managedby, enabled, name -filter {managedby -eq $name} 
foreach ($group in $MLgroupAll) { 

$managed = $group.managedby 
    if ($managed -like "ML*"){ 
write-host $group.name + $group.managedby } 


錯誤: 獲取-廣告組:在擴展屬性提供的身份信息:「的ManagedBy」庫侖 □不得到解決。原因:'找不到具有標識''ML *'的對象:'D C = we,DC = dirsrv,DC = com'。'。


enter image description here


'術語「GET -adgroup'不被識別爲cmdlet的名稱'我以爲你需要解決這個問題之前,你擔心任何腳本。看起來不像找到cmdlet。 – arco444


我之前在某些程序中使用了get-adgroup,因此在獲取該錯誤對我沒有多大意義之前 – narue1992


請參閱您嘗試執行的操作的問題是,managedby屬性包含DistinguishedName,您將遇到困難將DN與「ML *」之類進行比較。你可以嘗試的是'get-aduser ml *',然後獲取用戶的DN並將其與managedby屬性進行比較(如果有幫助的話)。或者使用你的最後一個例子在ML之前添加第二個星號,就像循環中的'$ managed -like「* ML *」' – Paul




get-adgroup -filter * -Properties managedby | % { 

if($_.managedby -like "CN=ML*"){ 
write-host $_.name + $_.managedby 


開始我用你的例子發佈了一個圖片,仍然有問題s – narue1992


哦,我看到你把我的濾鏡部分取出了。那麼我刪除了哪些刪除錯誤...只是沒有打印haha – narue1992


@AlyssaCooke在那種情況下可能沒有用戶管理的組,或者是否有? – Paul