2011-08-11 82 views



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> 
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:job="https://my/namespace/URL.dtd"> 
<title>search form results</title> 
    <title>TEST - Funeral Administrator</title> 
    <link> https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run//ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID%3d3416494H67&amp;WVID=6405682s15</link> 
    <guid> https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run//ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID%3d3416494H67&amp;WVID=6405682s15</guid> 
    <description><![CDATA[<b>Reference:</b> REQ000072<br /><b>Description:</b> Applications are invited for a part time, 22.5 hours per week, Funeral Administratorwhich will be based at West Bromwich Funeral Home within the West Region. Working as part of a team, duties will include co-ordinating funeral arrangements according to the clients' wishes, compiling the required administration, offering advice on the full range of services available and liaising with all relevant authorities and internal contacts. You will also be expected to assist families who wish to pay their last respects.You will be required to administer petty cash, cheque reconciliation forms, banking and purchase ledger. Other general office duties include answering the telephones, basic computer input and filing will also be key duties of this role.Applicants will have good inter-personal skills, driving licence and must also have good keyboard skills and computer literate. A flexible approach to working hours is also required.<br /><b>Region:</b> Birmingham<br /><b>Location:</b> West Bromwich<br /><b>Salary:</b> from £7.31 per hour<br /><b>Package:</b> n/a ]]></description> 
    <about>Mon, 8 Aug 2011 00:00:00 GMT</about> 
    <pubDate>Mon, 25 Jul 2011 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> 
... etc - other <item> nodes follow 


$category = $_POST['category']; 
$region = $_POST['region']; 



$xml = simplexml_load_file("jobs-rss.xml"); 
if(isset($_POST['category']) && isset($_POST['region'])) 
$category = $_POST['category']; 
$region = $_POST['region']; 
$html = ''; 

if($category == "All" && $region == "All") 
    // Load all jobs 
    foreach($xml->channel->item as $item){ 
    $ns = $item->children('https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/../../webrecRSS.dtd'); 

    $html .= "<h2>" . $item->title . "</h2>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Reference: </strong>" . $ns->reference . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p>" . $ns->description . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Salary: </strong>" . $ns->salary . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Region: </strong>" . $ns->region . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Location: </strong>" . $ns->location . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Category: </strong>" . $ns->category . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><strong>Closing Date: </strong>" . $ns->closingdate . "</p>"; 
    $html .= "<p><a href='" . $item->link . "'>Click here to apply for this job</a></p>"; 
    // Filter my XML here based on a combination of the $category and $region varaibles 

echo $html; 



感謝, 佈雷特


你是什麼意思的「過濾器」? –





$xml = simplexml_load_file("jobs-rss.xml"); 

if(isset($_POST['category']) && isset($_POST['region'])) 
    $category = $_POST['category']; 
    $region = $_POST['region']; 
    $html = ''; 

    // Load all jobs 
    foreach($xml->channel->item as $item) 
     $ns = $item->children('https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/../../webrecRSS.dtd'); 

     if ($category != "All" && $category != $ns->category) continue; 
     if ($region != "All" && $region != $ns->region) continue; 

     $html .= "<h2>" . $item->title . "</h2>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Reference: </strong>" . $ns->reference . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p>" . $ns->description . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Salary: </strong>" . $ns->salary . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Region: </strong>" . $ns->region . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Location: </strong>" . $ns->location . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Category: </strong>" . $ns->category . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><strong>Closing Date: </strong>" . $ns->closingdate . "</p>"; 
     $html .= "<p><a href='" . $item->link . "'>Click here to apply for this job</a></p>"; 

echo $html; 


順便說一句,你的命名空間URL 「https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/wrd/run/../../webrecRSS.dtd」 看起來有點怪。我認爲,如果刪除相關的'..'內容並使其成爲如下形式,則會更清楚:https://itrent-web1.midlandsco-op.com/tlive_webrecruitment/webrecRSS.dtd SimpleXML的child()方法只能與 RSS節點的xmlns:job屬性中提供的URI完全相同。


Imi,$ category和$ region變量將由表單中的POST填充。我想過濾XMl並只返回匹配的項目 - 例如如果類別是葬禮,只返回 s,其中是葬禮。 – Brett