我正試圖通過一個FsCheck的例子來研究一個帶有歧視的工會,以便爲我們的大型項目建立最佳實踐。現在我從我的發生器中得到空值,我不知道爲什麼。在以下代碼中,DataGen.containerGenerator爲null。FsCheck DataGen爲空
namespace Container
open System
open Xunit
open FsCheck
module ContainerLibrary =
type [<Measure>] oz
type Container =
| Cup of Common
| Bowl of Common
and Common =
{ Volume :decimal<oz>
Weight :decimal}
module DataGen =
type Generators =
static member arbVolume =
FsCheck.Gen.choose (1, 16)
|> FsCheck.Gen.map(fun x -> (decimal x/8.0M) * 1.0M<ContainerLibrary.oz>)
|> FsCheck.Arb.fromGen
FsCheck.Arb.register<Generators>() |> ignore
let bowlGenerator =
FsCheck.Gen.map2 (fun a b -> ContainerLibrary.Bowl({ Volume = a
Weight = b}))
let cupGenerator =
FsCheck.Gen.map2 (fun a b -> ContainerLibrary.Cup({ Volume = a
Weight = b}))
let containerGenerator =
Gen.oneof [bowlGenerator; cupGenerator]
module Tests =
let ``01 : Containers must be no more than 20 oz``() =
//Is this the best way to get one of something?
let c = FsCheck.Gen.sample 0 1 DataGen.containerGenerator |> Seq.head
Assert.NotNull (c)
將您的gen映射到NonNull以避免null實例。 –