type Msg
= NoOp
| RequestDate
| ReceiveDate Date
| UpdateYouTubeUrl YouTubeUrl
-- -
root : Maybe YouTubeUrl -> Html Msg
root youTubeUrl =
case youTubeUrl of
Just youTubeUrl ->
div []
[ player youTubeUrl
, urlInput
Nothing ->
player : YouTubeUrl -> Html Msg
player youTubeUrl =
h1 [] [ text ("YouTube player for " ++ youTubeUrl ++ " goes here") ]
urlInput : Html (YouTubeUrl -> Msg)
urlInput =
[ placeholder "(Enter a YouTube embed URL and hit <Enter>)"
, onSubmit UpdateYouTubeUrl
-- TYPE MISMATCH ---------------------------------- ./src/YouTubePlayer/View.elm
The 1st and 2nd entries in this list are different types of values.
28| [ player youTubeUrl
29|> , urlInput
30| ]
The 1st entry has this type:
Html (Msg)
But the 2nd is:
Html (YouTubeUrl -> Msg)
Hint: It looks like a function needs 1 more argument.
Hint: Every entry in a list needs to be the same type of value. This way you
never run into unexpected values partway through. To mix different types in a
single list, create a "union type" as described in:
Detected errors in 1 module.
[ Html Msg
, Html (YouTubeUrl -> Msg)
列表.. 。在Elm中的列表需要是同質的,但我不明白的是爲什麼Html (YouTubeUrl -> Msg)
我是一個榆樹新手,所以我不知道我做錯了什麼。 Elm Guide book沒有任何類似於我看到的Html (a -> Msg)
elm 0.18
啊,我現在看到了區別。我打算在表單中包裝'onSubmit',因爲我不想觸發'onInput',而是按Enter鍵;想到最簡單的方法就是鉤入一個'onSubmit'。 – neezer
你介意發佈一個如何用'onSubmit'完成這個工作的例子嗎? – neezer