public class Debug {
public String path = "E:\\Projects\\svn\\FANRPProduction\\WMS\\src\\main\\resources\\wms\\bpmn\\bp";
public XStream xStream;
public Map<String, List<CallActivity>> bpTpMap;
public void findBPandTP() throws IOException {
File root = new File(path);
File[] xmlFiles = FindAllXMLFiles.recursive(root);
bpTpMap=new HashMap<String, List<CallActivity>>();
for (File xml : xmlFiles) {
if (xml != null) {
xStream = new XStream(new StaxDriver());
xStream.alias("definitions", CallActivity.class);
xStream.registerConverter(new CallActivityConverter());
bpTpMap = (Map) xStream.fromXML(xml);//Here I get correct information. For example "WMS_RBP_OutgoingWeighing"
List<String> bpList = new ArrayList<String>(bpTpMap.keySet()); //Here I see the name of the next file in the path in bpTpMap, which is "WMS_BP_WeighingConfiguration"
感謝。 IntelliJ被撞毀了。我的問題解決了。 – Behnaz