2014-10-16 52 views





這是一段代碼。我想知道if-else語句是否符合我的搜索條件[LC(a)和EID(e)]是否會降低速度或減小二進制文件大小(僅爲200 MB)。

Type MyBinaryRecordInfo 
    MyBinaryRecordInfo1(1 To 12) As String ' variable length 
End Type  

i = 1 
Open currentpath & "\" & bin_fname & ".DAT" For Binary As #f 
' read records from the binary file 
For a = 1 To totalLC 
    For e = 1 To totalElm 
     Do While Loc(f) < LOF(f) 
      Call ReadBinRecord(MyRecord, f, ElmType) 
      If MyRecord.MyBinaryRecordInfo1(1) = LC(a) Then 
       If MyRecord.MyBinaryRecordInfo1(2) = EID(e) Then 
        For j = 1 To totalbinrec 
         With MyRecord 
          Cells(i + 3, j) = .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) 
         End With 
        Next j 
        i = i + 1 
        Exit Do 
       End If 
      End If 
    Next e 
Next a 
Close #f ' close the file 

Sub ReadBinRecord(MyRecord As MyBinaryRecordInfo, f As Integer, ElmType As String) 
' reads the next record from an open binary file 
Dim intSize As Integer 

For j = 1 To totalbinrec 
    With MyRecord 
     Get f, , intSize ' read the size of the ID field 
     .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) = String(intSize, " ") ' set the variable length 
     Get f, , .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) ' read the variable string field 
    End With 
Next j 





Option Explicit 

Type MyBinaryRecordInfo 
    MyBinaryRecordInfo1(1 To 12) As String ' variable length 
End Type 

Sub x() 
num_rows = 5000 
Open currentpath & "\" & bin_fname & ".DAT" For Binary As #f 
Dim V(1 To totalElm) As Variant 
Dim V2(1 To num_rows, 1 To 12) As Variant 
For e = 1 To totalElm 
    V(e) = V2 
Next e 
' read records from the binary file 
For a = 1 To totalLC 
    For e = 1 To totalElm 
     Do While Loc(f) < LOF(f) 
      Call ReadBinRecord(MyRecord, f, ElmType) 
      If MyRecord.MyBinaryRecordInfo1(1) = LC(a) Then 
       If MyRecord.MyBinaryRecordInfo1(2) = EID(e) Then 
        For j = 1 To totalbinrec 
         With MyRecord 
          V(e)(i, j) = .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) 
         End With 
        Next j 
        i = i + 1 
        Exit Do 
       End If 
      End If 
    Next e 
Next a 
Close #f ' close the file 

' write out 
For e = 1 To totalElm 
    Cells(3, 1).Resize(num_rows, 12).Value = V(e) 
Next e 
End Sub 

Sub ReadBinRecord(MyRecord As MyBinaryRecordInfo, f As Integer, ElmType As String) 
' reads the next record from an open binary file 
Dim intSize As Integer 

For j = 1 To totalbinrec 
    With MyRecord 
     Get f, , intSize ' read the size of the ID field 
     .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) = String(intSize, " ") ' set the variable length 
     Get f, , .MyBinaryRecordInfo1(j) ' read the variable string field 
    End With 
Next j 
End Sub 

如果您不知道行數,那麼您只需Redim每500行左右保留一次內部變量。因爲這樣會在最後寫出所有內容,所以使用Application.Statusbar =「我的字符串」編寫進度消息可能會有所幫助。