2017-08-16 23 views


Exception: anonymous method closures that capture the environment are not serializable, consider removing environment capture or using a reflection serialization surrogate: assistant.dialogs.Forms.SupportRequest+<>c__DisplayClass7_0'




public enum SystemSelection { SharePoint, BizTalk, Azure, Office365 }; 
public enum RequestType { Bug, SupportRequest, Question }; 
public enum Importance { Blocking, High, Medium, Low }; 

class Declaration 
    public string Type; 
    public string Amount; 
    public string Date; 

    public static IForm<Declaration> BuildForm() 
     return new FormBuilder<Declaration>() 
       .Message("Add a declaration") 

class SupportRequest 

    public SystemSelection? SystemSelection; 
    public RequestType? RequestType; 
    public Importance? Importance; 

    public Declaration Declaration; 

    public static IForm<SupportRequest> BuildForm() 
     return new FormBuilder<SupportRequest>() 
       .Message("Welcome to the simple support bot!") 

    internal static IDialog<SupportRequest> MakeRootDialog3() 
     SupportRequest t = null; 
     var dlg = Chain.ContinueWith(FormDialog.FromForm(SupportRequest.BuildForm), 
          async (context, res) => 
           t = await res; 
           return Chain.ContinueWith<Declaration, SupportRequest>(FormDialog.FromForm(Declaration.BuildForm), 
                  async (context2, res2) => 
                   t.Declaration = await res2; 
                   return Chain.Return(t); 

     return dlg; 




Ensure that all dialogs are serializable. This can be as simple as using the [Serializable] attribute on your IDialog implementations. However, be aware that anonymous method closures are not serializable if they reference their outside environment to capture variables. The Bot Framework supports a reflection-based serialization surrogate to help serialize types that are not marked as serializable.



Conversation.UpdateContainer(builder => 
    builder.RegisterModule(new ReflectionSurrogateModule()); 