2016-05-17 46 views



**剛剛意識到,當試圖再次滾動備份時,您遇到了困難,您在右側div上的滾動卡住了。呻吟。我在想,我真正需要的是將左邊的div放在滾動條上,然後放在容器的末端。什麼是最好的解決方案? **

我開始使用jQuery Stickem來查看粘性div,它以我想要的方式工作,但我認爲對於可以更簡單地實現的東西來說可能是過度殺傷性的。

我需要一個解決方案,必須工作在所有瀏覽器包括IE8 +

.top-content {position:relative; height:100vh} 

.left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%;} 

.right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; overflow:scroll;} 

.bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;}
<div class="top-content"> 
\t <div class="left-div">Currently, if the cursor is over the right div the page works as required. But if over this left div then the body scrolls straight to content below. I want it to always scoll the right div regardless of cursor position</div> \t 
    <div class="right-div"> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

    \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p>  
\t </div>  
<div class="bottom-contet"> 

    \t \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 
    \t <p>content below</p> 




一個解決方案是聽取右側div的滾動事件。然後您可以使用element.scrollTop以及最大滾動值檢查它是否完全滾動(或關閉)。最初,您可以將身體的overflow-y設置爲hidden。一旦你達到你想要的內部div的滾動位置,你可以將其更改爲overflow-y: scroll。這個改變可以通過js/jquery完成。



嘗試將滾動應用於頂級內容div並修復左側div。 它應該做的工作。 您可能需要稍後調整一些邊距。


.top-content {position:relative; height:100%; overflow: scroll} 

.left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%; position: fixed} 

.right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; } 

.bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;} 

@ WF4感謝大家對此有何迴應。我想我沒有很好地解釋它,在學校結束的時候,一個棍子格是真正需要得到'凹凸效果'效果的東西。我發現了一個有用的粘性div的例子,但我正在與寬度問題掙扎,所以發佈了一個新問題。如果可能,請嘗試刪除這一個。 –




//unable to scroll down by default 
var rightScrolled = false; 
//when we scroll the page... 
$(window).on('scroll', function(){ 
    //check if we have scrolled the right window to the bottom 
\t if(rightScrolled == false) { 
     //we haven't, force the window to remain at the top 
    \t  window.scrollTo(0, 0); 


$(function($) { 
    //when we scroll the right div... 
    $('.right-div').on('scroll', function() { 
     //check if we have reached the bottom 
     if($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) { 
      //if we have, set our variable to true 
      rightScrolled = true; 
.top-content {position:relative; height:100vh} 

    .left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%;} 

    .right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; overflow:scroll;} 

    .bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    <div class="top-content"> 
    \t <div class="left-div">Currently, if the cursor is over the right div the page works as required. But if over this left div then the body scrolls straight to content below. I want it to always scoll the right div regardless of cursor position</div> \t 
     <div class="right-div"> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 
     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p> 

     \t <p>scrolling right stuff</p>  
    \t </div>  
    <div class="bottom-contet"> 

     \t \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 
     \t <p>content below</p> 