2012-04-02 116 views

我有一個dll使用.Net2.0的regasm進行了很好的註冊,但是當嘗試使用.NET4.0 regasm進行註冊時,出現錯誤「無法加載文件或組裝 'FILENAMEHERE' 或它的一個依賴關係,不支持操作(從HRESULT異常:。0x8013515 代碼和彙編如下RegAsm dll .net2.0到.net4.0


*Steven T. Norris  Created: 3/27/2012 
*Last Updated By: Steven T. Norris  Last Updated On: 3/27/2012 

using System; 
using MinimalisticTelnet; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 

* @brief Used to connect to, read, and respond to a STAR terminal session. 
* Steven T. Norris  Created: 3/27/2012 
namespace STARTelnet 
    * Class used to connect to, read, and respond to a STAR terminal session. 
    public class STARConnection 
     private TelnetConnection conn; 
     private string output; 
     private string command; 
     private string prompt; 

     * Instantiates new STARConnection. <br/> 
     * Recommended login timeout is 2000. <br/> 
     * Recommended overall timeout is 500. <br/> 
     * Throws SocketException, PromptException, LoginException 
     * @param [in] string username:Username for login 
     * @param [in] string password:Password for login 
     * @param [in] int loginTimeout:timeout milliseconds for login 
     * @param [in] int overallTimeout:timeout milliseconds for session 
     public STARConnection(string username, string password, int loginTimeout, int overallTimeout) 
      output = ""; 
      conn = new TelnetConnection("HOSTHOSTHOST", 23); 
       output = conn.Login(username, password, loginTimeout); 
       if(output.Contains("You entered an invalid login name or password")) 
        throw new LoginException("Failed to login"); 
      catch(Exception e) 
       if(e.Message.Contains("login prompt")) 
        throw new PromptException("Login", "Could not find login prompt"); 
       else if(e.Message.Contains("password prompt")) 
        throw new PromptException("Password", "Could not find password prompt"); 
        throw e; 

     * Sets the timeout for the session in milliseconds 
     * @param [in] int timeout:timeout for session 
     public void SetTimeout(int timeout) 
      conn.MainTimeOutMs = timeout; 
      conn.TimeOutMs = timeout; 

     * Gets the current timeout for the session in milliseconds 
     * @param [out] int:timout for session 
     public int GetTimeout() 
      return conn.TimeOutMs; 

     * Writes a command to the STAR session 
     * @param [in] string command:command to write 
     public void Write(string command) 
      this.command = command; 
      this.command = this.command.Replace("\n", "{newLine}"); 

     * Writes a command followed by a new line (\n) to the STAR session 
     * @param [in] string command:command to write 
     public void WriteLine(string command) 
      this.command = command; 
      this.command += "{newLine}"; 

     * Reads output from STAR session. Assumes no data within given timeout denotes end of stream 
     * @param [out] string:output from STAR session 
     public string Read() 
      output = conn.Read(); 
      return output; 

     * Reads output from STAR session with timeout changed for only this read. Assumes no data within 
     * timeout denotes end of stream. 
     * @param [in] int timeout:timeout for this read only 
     * @param [out] string:output from STAR session 
     public string Read(int timeout) 
      int temp = this.GetTimeout(); 
      return output; 

     * Parse prompt from output 
     private void ParsePrompt() 
      prompt = output.Substring(output.LastIndexOf("\n") + 1); 

     * Gets output from last read 
     * @param [out] string:output from last read 
     public string GetOutput() 
      return output; 

     * Gets last command entered 
     * @param [out] string:last command entered 
     public string GetCommand() 
      return command; 

     * Gets prompt from last read 
     * @param [out] string:last prompt 
     public string GetPrompt() 
      return prompt; 

     * Checks for connection 
     * @param [out] bool:connection status 
     public bool IsConnected() 
      return conn.IsConnected; 

    * Exception for failed logins 
    class LoginException: Exception 

     private string offender = ""; 
     public LoginException() : base() { } 
     public LoginException(string message) : base(message) { } 

     * Creates exception 
     * @param string offender:element causing exception 
     * @param string message:exception message 
     public LoginException(string offender, string message) 
      : base(message) 
      this.offender = offender; 

     * To String method for getting exception string 
     * @param [out] string:string representation of exception 
     public override string ToString() 
      if(offender == "") 
       return this.GetType() + ": "+this.Message+"\n"+this.StackTrace; 
       return "Incorrect login: " + offender + "--" + this.Message + "\n" + this.StackTrace; 

    * Exception for failed STAR prompts 
    class PromptException: Exception 

     private string prompt = ""; 
     public PromptException() : base(){ } 
     public PromptException(string message) : base(message){ } 

     * Creates exeption 
     * @param string prompt:prompt causing exception 
     * @param string message:exception message 
     public PromptException(string prompt, string message) 
      : base(message) 
      this.prompt = prompt; 

     * To String method for getting exception string 
     * @param [out] string:string representation of exception 
     public override string ToString() 
      if(prompt == "") 
       return this.GetType() + ": " + this.Message + "\n" + this.StackTrace; 
       return "Prompt failed: " + prompt + "--" + this.Message + "\n" + this.StackTrace; 



using System.Reflection; 
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information 
// associated with an assembly. 
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("STARTelnet")] 
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] 
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] 
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("COMPANY")] 
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("STARTelnet")] 
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © COMPANY 2012")] 
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] 
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] 

// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible 
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from 
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. 
[assembly: ComVisible(true)] 

// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM 
[assembly: Guid("d7ae512d-c840-4ebc-8057-73a10f286225")] 

// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: 
//  Major Version 
//  Minor Version 
//  Build Number 
//  Revision 
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers 
// by using the '*' as shown below: 
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] 
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] 
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] 

不要混淆錯誤消息,HEXVALUEHERE不能幫助我們幫助你。當您實際上已將項目更改爲以.NET 4爲目標時,才使用版本4 Regasm。 – 2012-04-02 14:27:31


該項目不能更改爲.NET 4.它必須是.NET 2.0的兼容性問題。我的印象是.NET向後兼容。我已經調整了上面的十六進制代碼。 – steventnorris 2012-04-02 14:30:49


那麼你爲什麼要註冊版本4 Regasm而不是使用版本2? – 2012-04-02 14:32:53



有些特殊的規則適用於像你這樣的COM服務器。 .NET 4中的CLR支持CLR的進程內並行版本控制,允許進程託管多個版本的CLR。這對COM服務器來說尤其重要,它解決了以前無法可靠地創建託管外殼擴展的CLR版本注入問題。 CLR版本2和更早版本僅支持一個流程中的CLR版本。由於無論COM服務器首先加載CLR的副作用,都會導致以後無法加載需要更高版本CLR的COM服務器。特別是如果第一個COM服務器加載了CLR的1.0或1.1版本的話,那就太糟糕了。

如果您不想以.NET 4爲目標,那麼您將不得不要求用戶安裝.NET 3.5 SP1,以便服務器可以註冊。您還必須爲客戶端程序提供一個app.exe.config文件,以告訴CLR您知道您的COM服務器是爲較早版本的CLR而構建的,並且可以使用版本4 CLR運行它。這可以防止使用版本2 CLR。 .config文件應該是這樣的:

    <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> 
     <supportedRuntime version="v4"/> 
     <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/> 

顯然你會通過爲只有4和DO記住,你實際上可能更喜歡得到第2版的CLR加載用戶針對.NET 4提前如果客戶端程序完全是本地的,那麼這可能是你測試過代碼的版本。第4版是高度兼容的,但它確實有一些錯誤修復,可以防止代碼無意中依賴的錯誤。


我在哪裏可以找到/編輯app.exe.config文件以便分發給用戶PC,以及如何將其與RegAsm綁定?我假設這是在「框架」目錄中的某個地方?用戶將通過RegAsm在他們的本地PC上使用他們的終端窗口註冊這個DLL。 – steventnorris 2012-04-02 16:02:00


你必須創建它。 Notepad.exe將會很好。它必須使用客戶端程序的名稱存儲在包含* client *應用程序EXE的目錄中。因此,如果c:\ foo \ bar.exe使用您的COM服務器,那麼您必須創建c:\ foo \ bar.exe.config – 2012-04-02 16:07:05


您是什麼意思使用我的COM服務器?這些都是在單個用戶PC上本地運行的。 – steventnorris 2012-04-02 17:07:45