; defining the procedure char_toupper to convert a lower case character to upper case
(define char_toupper (lambda (myChar)
; defining x as the ASCII value of myChar
(define x (char->integer myChar))
; defining y as x-32
(define y (- x 32))
; if statement for while x is less than 91 (already uppercase)
(if (< x 91)
; if it is already uppercase, just display it
(display myChar)
; otherwise, if x is greater than 96 (lowercase)
(if (> x 96)
; then display the character equivalent to the ASCII value given by y
(display (integer->char y))))))
(define string_toupper (lambda (myString newString i)
(if (< i (string-length myString))
(string_toupper myString (string-append newString (char_toupper (string-ref myString i))) (+ 1 i)))
(display newString)))
(string_toupper (read) "" 0)
你不斷收到錯誤是什麼? –
字符串長度:違反合同 預期:string? – user1815262
讀取不一定返回字符串。它返回一個值,但該值可能是一個字符串,一個符號,一個數字或一個列表,或者......取決於用戶輸入的內容。因此,您可能想使用read-line代替:http ://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Byte_and_String_Input.html#(def._((quote._〜23〜25kernel)._read-line)) – dyoo